Triple Trouble Wurm

by the TT discord

Welcome! Do you like playing Guild Wars 2 and want to kill some wurms, preferably three-headed ones?
Then this is the right place for you! Find all the info about the Triple Trouble event and how to join daily organized runs!

What is Triple Trouble?

Triple Trouble is a big world boss event in Bloodtide Coast. Three great wurms spawn at different locations on the map and need to be decapitated within the same minute. Also, each head has a unique mechanic for making it vulnerable. As rewards you can look forward to many achievements, five mastery points for joining a few runs, 2 gold and possibly ascended armor among other loot.

The TT event is not like any other world boss - it requir many players and a high amount of coordination. We organize the event daily! (On EU servers)

How can I join an organized run?

The biggest part of the organization happens on discord. There you can find up to date info, talk with others about the wurms, and ask questions - even outside the TT event times. Before the run, you can get the taxis to join us ingame in the discord channel #wurm-organization.

For the event to work out smoothly, each group fighting one of the wurms needs to be coordinated. You can leave that up to the commanders, who coordinate the event via voice communication on discord. Join the voice channel to participate and for vocal explanations and calls during the event. Talking is not required!

We are looking for more players to assist us in the event execution by learning / taking over one of the special roles!
Intersted? Join us for the event and tell your commander what you want to do or message me for help and info.