Event info

General info

 Overview - main event

There are three bosses, the three evolved wurms, which spawn after a pre-event (escort) for each head is done.

The fight against the wurms (main event) has two phases:
During the first phase players need to do a mechanic to make the wurm vulnerable before they can damage it. This mechanic is different on each head.

- At Amber you have to be eaten, take harpoons, and shoot them at the wurm.

- At Crimson you have to fill three extractors with different coloured phytotoxin buffs.

- At Cobalt you have to get kegs from one out of three possible spawn points, carry them to the wurm, and place them in front of the wurm.

Usually, Crimson is considered the easiest wurm as it needs the least coordination and does not require a set minimum amount of people for doing the mechanic for making the wurm vulnerable. However, this does not mean that the other two heads are difficult. As long as you follow a commander and listen to their calls, all heads can be done easily when the squad cooperates.

Decapitation & 2nd phase

As soon as one head is decapitated, the event timer resets to 1min. Because of that, three coordinated squads are required. Commanders coordinate this on discord. After the decapitation of all 3 wurms, the second phase follows: Each head will spawn again, get new attacks, and players will have 2min to kill it.

Numbers needed

While the escorts can be done with less people (2-3 experienced players with good damage are enough), each head needs a good amount of people for the main event mechanic.

Every wurm should have a special team to deal with eggs and husks (blockers and condis), at least one full blocker.

Assuming everyone knows what to do, no one goes down, no one has to afk or dc’s suddenly, the minimum amount for the mechanic group would be about 10 on Crimson, 11-20 on Cobalt (better 20+) and 20+ for Amber. But as not everyone knows the event and mistakes can happen, numbers should be ~20+ at Crimson, 30+ at Cobalt and 35+ at Amber.

Rewards (items)

Decapitating one head rewards you with a bronze, two heads with a silver, and three heads with a golden chest (without daily cap). These chests contain 1/3/5 champion bags and other gear/weapon items.

For fully killing all three heads in the second phase, a portal will spawn in the arena. It takes you back to the main waypoint where you can loot the world boss chest (once a day per account). With this chest/statue you get two gold and have a chance to get wurm specific items, also ascended armor, including wurmslayer armor.

Achievements and mastery points

Achievements for Triple Trouble can be found in the general section under Triple Trouble and under Bosses, as well as in the Side Stories section under The Origins of Madness.

For the three achievements in Bosses you need to kill (not just decapitate) each of the wurm heads once in the 2nd phase; each will reward you with a mastery point.

In the Triple Trouble section there are 12 achievements:
- the Wurmicidal Maniac (decapitating and killing all 3 heads) - this one will give you a mastery point and is not part of the meta achievement.
- the meta achievement, which the remaining other 10 belong to. Completing the meta achievement will reward you with another mastery point, so that you can get a total of 5 mastery points from the event.

For the meta achievement, you need to do each wurm head at least once for wurm specific achievements and kill each head.

Click to see the full achievement list

In "Bosses":

In "Triple Trouble":

In "The Origins of Madness":


Our commanders will guide you through the event with explanations before and call outs during the event. Depending on the commander, this happens on discord and/or the ingame chat. You should always follow the commanders and their instructions!


There are some more facts and "guidelines" to help with the event: