What do we do

Highway Garbage Cleanup

On a biannual basis, usually spring and fall, we first meet for breakfast, then spend about 2 hours cleaning up the highway from Tadanac to about 5 km north of Trail.


We aim to have a social or fellowship event about every other month.  These events can vary from spending a night out at one of BC's historic hotels to just staying closer to home and having dinner together at a local pub.

Kettle corn cooking & selling

Cooking kettle corn has been both a fellowship and fundraising event, gathering to "do the cook," and then selling the sweet kettle corn at man different events:  Canada Day at Gyro Park, Silver City Days in Trail, Golden City Days in Rossland, and even May Days in Fruitvale.

Hosting a district conference

In the year 2008, the Rotary Club of Trail hosted the District 5080 conference, which included approximately 300 attendees

hosting exchange students

Periodically, the Rotary Club of Trail hosts or supports a local Club in hosting an exchange student from some far corner of the world.  These are rewarding experiences for the student and host families.


A central and most rewarding benefit in being a member of the Rotary Club of Trail is attendance at our Speakers' Program.  Guest speakers, listed in our Calendar, are invited to speak to our club on a large number of community and international-related subjects.


Started in 2023, the Rotary Club of Trail hosted a yardsale.

Christmas Carol Festival

This is an annual event organized and hosted by the Rotary Club of Trail.  It raises significant funds for the Salvation Army Christmas hamper project.

Establish low-income housing

In 1982, the Rotary Club of Trail established the Tral Elderly Citizens Housing Society to build and operate a 35-apartment low-income seniors housing facility at 1651 Bay Avenue:  Jubilee Place.  Rotarians continue to be on the board of this Society.

Rotary bingo

During the VOVID-19 pandemic, the Rotary Club of Trail partnered with Rotary Clubs in the Columbia Basin to provide entertainment for persons and to raise significant funds for community projects.

Rotary park

Located on the south end of Bay Avenue, the Rotary Club of Trail established a park for the community.  The Club continues to support improvement projects at this park located on the shores of the Columbia River and at the entrance to the Columbia River Sky Walk pedestrian bridge.

donate funds

The Club generously donates to community and international projects.



In its earlier years, when Rotarians were younger, the Club participated in the Silver City Days parades.

Trail United Church food bank

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