KCLC Scholarship

Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre (KCLC) Scholarship

1. Scholarship Name: Rotary Club of Trail Scholarship

2. Terms. This scholarship is for a student who is continuing their studies through post-secondary education. Where there may be competition for this scholarship, the Club asks that preference be given to a student who has distinguished himself/herself through volunteer service to others.

3. Amount. $500, to be confirmed on an annual basis.The Club should be contacted (scott.daniels@trailrotary.com) by the School before the end of February to confirm that funds are available and the scholarship amount

4. Invitation. The Club encourages that we are contacted by the school in advance of graduation ceremonies with an offer to have a Club member present the scholarship at graduation ceremonies.

5. Notification. The Club asks that the School notify the Club by e-mail of the scholarship recipient.

6. Payment. Once the Club has been advised by the school of the scholarship recipient, the recipient is asked to contact the Club by e-mail confirming their registration at a school of post-secondary education, with details (student name, student number, post-secondary school name and address, and post-secondary school contact for sending funds) so the Club can send the scholarship funds directly to the school for contribution to offset the student's tuition fees.

7. Extensions. By written request from the student, his/her scholarship may be delayed by a period to not exceed 12 months from the date of graduation.

8. Coverage. The scholarship amount may be used to cover the costs of tuition (#6 above) or books. In the case of books, receipts should be provided and the receipt should note the book titles.

7. Publicity. The Club requests permission to post the scholarship recipient's name in the scholarship section of the Club's www.trailrotary.com website.

School Contact: Patrick Kinghorn email: pkinghorn@sd20.bc.ca – Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre, School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia), 2000 3rd Avenue, Trail, BC, V1R 1R6