Speaker Coordinators
...responsible for finding speakers, or coming up with a 20-minute program for the meetings.
Sept (TBD | Oct (Richard) | Nov (Bruce) | Dec (TBD) | Jan (Ardith) | Feb (Rachael) | Mar (Scott) | Apr (Charmain) | May (Stephen) | Jun (TBD)
Date | Venue | Presenter | Topic |
November 13th Jan Morton and Tom Hart will be giving us an update on the redevelopment project at the Villa.
26-Mar-2025 | TBD
12-Mar-2025 | TBD
26-Feb-2025 | TBD
12-Feb-2025 | Keith Smyth & Rachael Brown | Community in Bloom |
22-Jan-2025 | Lisa Pasin, Executive Director of the KBRH | KBRH Update |
8-Jan-2025 | Marylynn Rakuson | Trail United Church Food Bank |
20-Dec-2024 | Christmas Social at The Patterson's |
11-Dec-2024 | Rotary - Salvation Army Christmas Carol Festival | Bailey Theatre |
27-Nov-2024 | Lorne Westnedge, Lynne Burch | District Governor & Assistant Governor Update |
13-Nov-2024 | Jan Morton & Tom Hart | Villa Redevelopment Update |
23-Oct-2024 | Teck update at the Teck Interpretive Centre., 1177 Bay Ave., above the TD Bank. DO NOT GO TO VISAC GALLERY. GO DIRECTLY TO THE INTERPRETIVE CENTRE |
19-Oct-2024 | Tulip Bulb Sales at Market |
9-Oct-2024 | Robbie McClary, Wildfire Mitigation Specialist | FireSmart Program |
5-Oct-2024 | Tulip Bulb Sales at Market |
25-Sep-2024 | TBD | TBD |
21-Sep-2024 | Tulip Bulb Sales at Market |
18-Sep-2024 | TBD | TBD |
11-Sep-2024 | TBD | TBD |
4-Sep-2024 | TBD | TBD |
28-Aug-2024 | GYRO Park -informal gathering, 12.00-13.00 h |
10 or 15-Aug |Evening Selling Kettle Corn -Exact Date TBD |
14-Aug-2024 | GYRO Park -informal gathering, 12.00-13.00 h |
24-Jul-2024 | GYRO Park -informal gathering, 12.00-13.00 h |
18-Jul-2024 | Evening Market -Selling Kettle Corn |
10-Jul-2024 | GYRO Park -informal gathering, 12.00-13.00 h |
3-Jul-2024 | Changeover social with Waneta & Rossland Clubs at the Patterson's, 6 pm|
1-Jul-2024 | Canada Day Market -Cooking and Selling Kettle Corn |
Speaker Coordinators
...responsible for finding speakers, or coming up with a 20-minute program for the meetings.
Sept (Richard) | Oct (Ardith) | Nov (TBD) | Dec (N/A) | Jan (TBD)
Feb (Bruce) | Mar (Scott) | Apr (TBD) | May (Stephen) | Jun (N/A)
Date | Venue | Presenter | Topic |
26-Jun-2024 | Mert Servatius | President of the Kootenay South Metis Association |
12-Jun-2024 | Abigail Romano |
22-May-2024 | TBD | Rotary Club of Rossland's Youth Exchange Student |
12-May-2024 | Mother's Day Market at Gyro Park | Kettle Corn Cook On-Site |
11-May-2024 | Silver City Days Parade |
8-May-2024 | Stephen Hill | Polio |
4-May-2024 | Tadanac Garage Sale -Patterson's Residence|
26-Apr-2024 | Community Fair 11.00-14.00 h | Waneta Mall former Zellers location |
24-Apr-2024 | Sarah Benson-Lord, Trail Museum | Trail Trivia Fun |
22-Apr-2024 | Assembling Library Boxes | TACL Workshop East Trail |
10-Apr-2024 | Scott Daniels | Camino Frances Santiago de Compostella |
27-Mar-2024 | Meeting Location -The White House | speaker Lynne Burche, Assist. District Governor |
13-Mar-2024 | BA Belton, RDKB Environmental and Communications Program Coordinator | Update on Success & Challenges of Green-Bin and Garbage Tag programs |
28-Feb-2024 | Frank Marino |Lower Columbia Community Health Centre Proposal -Kootenay Clinics|
14-Feb-2024 |Dr. Bruce Fawcett | Malaria |
24-Jan-2024 | Dana Schmidt | Water Project -Santa Cruz de la Tablada, Peru |
10-Jan-2024 | Sheila Adcock & Bryhre Cormack | PEERS (Pathway to Engagement and Employment Readiness)
13-Dec-2023 | Carol Festival at The Bailey Theatre |
8-Dec-2023 | Christmas Social at Patterson's |
8-Nov-2023 | Regular Meeting at VISAC |
25-Oct-2023 | Dave Prokopetz | Pet Crematorium
15-Oct-2023 | District Assembly, Creston |
11-Oct-2023 | Grace Barnes | Bagpipes Demonstration |
30-Sept-2023 | Regular Meeting at VISAC |
13-Sept-2023 | Regular Meeting at VISAC |
9-Sept-2023 | Sell Kettle Corn at Rossland Golden City Days Fall Fair |
6-Sept-2023 | Cook Kettle Corn at Patterson’s |
30-Aug-2023 | Mini-library work party at Patterson’s
Speaker Coordinators
Sept (Richard) | Oct (Ardith) | Nov (TBD) | Dec (N/A) | Jan (Lana)
Feb (Bruce) | Mar (Scott) | Apr (TBD) | May (Ardith) | Jun (Morag)
Date | Venue | Presenter | Topic |
4-July-2023 | Changeover @Patterson's, 6.30 pm, bring appetizer, no-host beverages|
29-June-2023 | Cooking Kettle Corn at Patterson's Residence |
14-June-2023 | VISAC Gallery | Speaker TBD |
5-June-2023 | Director's Meeting, 4 pm @ Fish residence |
3-June-2023 | Rotary Garage Sale, 20 Ritchie Avenue, Trail (Tadanac), 09.00 h |
31-May-2023 | VISAC Gallery | Club Assembly |
18-21 May-2023 | Rotary District 5080 Conference - Tri-Cities, WA |
17-May-2023 | VISAC Gallery | Heather Bishop and Donna Drover from Selkirk College |
14-May-2023 | Selling Kettle Corn at Silver City Days -Family Day, 11.00-15.00 h, Gyro Park |
13-May-2023 | Silver City Days Firefighters' Parade |
10-May-2023 | Cooking Kettle Corn, 6 pm at Patterson's for Silver City Days |
5-May-2023 | Cinco de Mayo at Leland Hotel | contact Scott for details |
3-May-2023 | VISAC Gallery | Carolyn Amentea | CBAL -Literacy in BC|
1-May-2023 | Directors' Meeting, 4 pm @ Patterson residence |
19-Apr-2023 | VISAC Gallery ||Ron Perepolkin | Sports Fishing Website developed by Community Futures Development Corporation, CFDC |
5-Apr-2023 | Tour at Selkirk Technology Access Centre, Glenmerry |
27-Mar-2023 | Directors' Meeting, 4 pm @ Patterson residence |
22-Mar-2023 | ZOOM | Captains & Pastors Eric & Rachel Olson | A History of and a Life of Service With the Salvation Army |
8-Mar-2023 | VISAC Gallery | Lisa Pasin | KBRH Foundation |
22-Feb-2023 | ZOOM |
8-Feb-2023 | VISAC Gallery | Colleen Jones | City of Trail Update
18-Jan-2023 | ZOOM |
4-Jan-2023 | VISAC Gallery | Kathy Moore | West Kootenay Friends of Refugees
23-Nov-2022 | Patrick Killian | NASA and a Solar Wind Plasma |
13-Jul-2022 | Changeover Meeting at Patterson's 6 pm, RSVP to Richard |
1-Jul-2022 | Sell Kettle Corn at GYRO Park |
Date | Presenter | Topic |
16-Dec-2022 | Rotary Christmas Gathering at Patterson's
7-Dec-2022 | Rotary Christmas Carol Festival -Charles Bailey Theatre
23-Nov-2022 | Patrick Zillian | Solar Wind Plasma
29-Jun-2022 | Kettle Corn Prep., Pizza & Wine | White House 5.30 pm |
22-Jun-2022 | Brenda Hooper | Anti-Poverty Initiative |
15-Jun-2002 | President Bruce Fawcett | A Year in Review |
15-Jun-2022 | Rotary Club of Christina Lake Charter Celebration |
6-Jun-2022 | Board Meeting @ Fawcett Residence 4 pm |
1-Jun-2022 | Richard Fish | District 5080 Conference | VISAC
18-May-2022 | Chris Reid & Shawn Romano | Trip to Ukraine | VISAC Gallery
11-May-2022 | Bill Sullivan | Trail Book |Zoom Meeting
4-May-2022 | Meeting at VISAC -Club Assembly |
27-Apr-2022 | Luke Vostermans | Roll A Hippo | Zoom Meeting
25-Apr-2022 | Board meeting 4 pm via Zoom | VISAC Gallery
23-Apr-2022 | Highway Clean-up 8 am A&W. 9 am at Tadanac
20-Apr-2022 | Brenda Hooper & Barbara Gibson | Trail Hospice | VISAC |
13-Apr-2022 | Social Gathering at Cafe Michael | Lana Rodlie
9-Apr-2022 | Rotary Club of Waneta Food Drive for Ukraine at Liberty Foods Fruitvale 9am until 4pm
6-Apr-2022 | VISAC | Diana Daghofer | Trail Community Action Team & Helping Downtown Homeless People
2-Apr-2022 | Highway Clean-up with Rotary Club of Waneta. Meet at Tim Horton's 7.30 am for breakfast, 8.30 am for clean-up.
30-Mar-2022 |Alison Elder | Rotary’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative.
28-Mar-2022 | Board Meeting
23-Mar-2022 |-VISAC
16-Mar-2022 |Joselyn Sharp | Proposed Peace Club in the Area -Zoom
9-Mar-2022 |-VISAC
2-Mar-2022 |Sheila Adcock | Career Development Services -Zoom
28-Feb-2022 | Board Meeting
23-Feb-2022 |Lisa Milne | Royal Theatre
16-Feb-2022 | Lana Rodlie | Trail Historical Building Guide
9 -Feb-2022 |Craig Mullin | Farm to Friends Project
2-Feb-2022 |Greg Nestoroff |Lost Kootenays
26-Jan-2022 | Cam Rauschenberger | The World of Investments
19-Jan-2022 | Lieutenants Andrew and Olivia Sweet | Trail Salvation Army
11-Jan-2022 | Bill Dunwoody | District 5080 Foundation Chair
8-Dec-21 | Rachel Brown | Communities In Bloom (CIB) -Update
8-Dec-21 | Maddy Harlamovs | Assistant District Governor -Update
1-Dec-2021 | Nadine Tremblay | Trail & District Arts Council, Executive Director -Update
10-Nov-21 | Juris Harlamovs | Rotary E-Club of Waneta -Update
3-Nov-21 | Daffodil Planting with JL Crowe Students 11.00 - 13.30 h
27-Oct-21 | Gerry Rempel | Circle of Indigenous Nations Society
20-Oct-21 | Takaia Larson & Johnathan Vancerhoek | Selkirk College Rural Pre-Medicine Program
5-Oct-21 | Trisha Davison | Trail Recreation Program
22-Sept-21 | Frank Marino | Community Health Clinic for the Lower Columbia
8-Sept-21 | Lynn O'Connor | District Governor
28-Apr-21 | Tim Grouette | Executive Director, Lower Columbia Initiatives Corporation (LCIC) |
31-Mar-21 | Morag Carter | Community Kitchens Program
3-Mar-21 | Sandra Roberts | 5080 Passport Club, Rotary’s Peace Initiatives
24-Feb-21 | Luke Vorstermans | Hippo Water Project
10-Feb-21 | Thea Hanson | Real Estate Update
27-Jan-21 | Jan Morton | Low Income Housing
20-Jan-21 | Erika Krest, Executive Director, TDCC | Trail & District Chamber of Commerce
Speaker Coordinators
Sept (TBA) | Oct (Elizabeth) | Nov (Leigh) | Jan (Jan)
Feb (Ardith) | Mar (Scott) | Apr (Lana) | May (TBA) | Jun (TBA)
Date | Presenter | Topic | Racketeer
04-Sep-19 | Cancelled | 6 pm Kettle Corn Cook @White House |
11-Sep-19 | Cancelled | Lunch @ Rotary Park -Polio Fundraiser with singer Sarah Currie, "Getting to Know you" |
14-Sept | Kettle Corn Booth at BE in BV |
17-Sept-19 | Dinner with DG Robert Quay at Patterson's, 5.30 pm |
18-Sep-19 | Robert Quay | District governor | Cytra
25-Sep-19 | Betty Anne Marino | Freedom Quest | Daniels
02-Oct-19 | Helen Graham | Club Assembly | Fawcett
09-Oct-19 | Aron Burke, KSCU | Community Financial Literacy Programs | Fish
16-Oct-19 | Robert Cacchioni | City Councillor | Graham
23-Oct-19 | Bruce Fawcett | The Anti-Vaccine Movement | Hand
30-Oct-19 | Scott Daniels | Adventure Tourism | Harrison
6-Nov-19 | Tim Dueck | RDCKB Recycling Issues & Updates | Holtz
13-Nov-19 | Darrin Recchi & Christine Duguay | Thought Exchange | Masleck
20-Nov-19 | Skip Rowland | Sailing Around The World | McConnachie
27-Nov-19 | Lana Rodlie | Club Assembly -Rotary Foundation | Morgenthaler
4-Dec-19 | Meeting Cancelled -Carol Festival |
11-Dec-19 | Murray McConnachie, VP Operations, KES Group of Companies | Ethiopian Water Project | Morton
18-Dec-19 | Christmas Party |
25-Dec-19 | Christmas -no meeting |
01-Jan-20 | New Year's Day -no meeting |
08-Jan-20 | Caley Marin | SC20s Food Security Program | PattersonM
15-Jan-20 | Aron Burke, KSCU's Community Financial Literacy Program | | PattersonP
22-Jan-20 | Helen Graham | Club Assembly | Pistak
29-Jan-19 | Sue Bock | Extended Hour Child Care | Rauschenberger
05-Feb-20 | Patricia Nutini | Pain BC Support Group | Rodlie
12-Feb-20 | Gail Potter, Brenda Hooper | Trail Hospice | Rutherglen
19-Feb-20 | Alanna Tynan | JABC, Junior Achievement BC | Warman
26-Feb-20 | | | White
04-Mar-20 | Kees & Mayumi van der Pol | Indus Peace Park, India-Pakistan Border | Cytra
11-Mar-20 | Club Assembly | Discussions with Waneta Club | Daniels
18-Mar-20 | Chris McIsaac | City of Trail Public Works & Operations | Fawcett
25-Mar-20 | Al Mallette | Trail Wildlife Association project at Fort Shepherd | Fish
01-Apr-20 | Steve Cutt | RI Foundation | Graham
08-Apr-20 | Tim Grouette, LCIC Exec. Dir. | LCIC, Lower Columbia Initiatives Corporation | Hand
15-Apr-20 | Connie Smith | Trail Community in Bloom -spring garden tips | Harrison
22-Apr-20 | Terry Van Horn | Exec. Dir., SMRT1 Technologies, Nelson | Holtz
29-Apr-20 | Mike Martin & Mike Konkin | Trail Beer Refinery | Masleck
06-May-20 | | | McConnachie
13-May-20 | | | Morgenthaler
20-May-20 | | | Morton
27-May-20 | | | PattersonM
3-Jun-20 | Helen Graham | Club Assembly | PattersonP
10-Jun-20 | | | Pistak
17-Jun-20 | | | Rauschenberger
24-Jun-20 | | | Rodlie
01-Jul-20 | | | Rutherglen
08-Jul-20 | | | Warman
15-Jul-20 | | | White
22-Jul-20 | | | Cytra
29-Jul-20 | | | Daniels
5-Aug-20 | | | Fawcett
12-Aug-20 | | | Fish
19-Aug-20 | | | Graham
26-Aug-20 | | | Hand
02-Sep-20 | | | Harrison
09-Sep-20 | | | Holtz
16-Sep-20 | | | Masleck
23-Sep-20 | | | McConnachie
30-Sep-20 | | | Morgenthaler
07-Oct-20 | | | Morton
15-Oct-20 | | | PattersonM
Speaker Coordinators
Sept (Jack) | Oct (Ray) | Nov (Leigh) | Jan (Ardith)
Feb (Jan) | Mar (Scott) | Apr (Lana) | May (Bruce) | Jun (Helen)
Date | Speaker | Topic | Racketeer
05-Sep-18 No Meeting -Kettle Corn Work Party
12-Sep-18 | | | Fawcett
19-Sep-18 | | | Masleck (substitute for Fish)
26-Sep-18 | | | Graham
03-Oct-18 | Murray McConnachie | Economic Update | Harrison
10-Oct-18 | Antoinette Halberstadt | BC Electoral Reform -Pro PR | Masleck
17-Oct-18 | Carol Currie | Selkirk College Community Education | McConnachie
24-Oct-18 | Audry Durham | Trail Chamber Update | Morgenthaler
31-Oct-18 | Scott Daniels | Budget Presentation | Morton
07-Nov-18 | Wendy Morrison | Basin Business Advisor Program | Patterson, M
14-Nov-18 | Terry McGauley | Kenya Drinking Water Project | Patterson, P
21-Nov-18 | Richard Fish | Club Assembly | Rodlie
28-Nov-18 | Jason Warman | Career Development Services | Rutherglen
05-Dec-18 | Scott Daniels | LeRoi Community Foundation | White
12-Dec-18 | Meeting Cancelled -week of Christmas Carol Festival
19-Dec-18 | No Speaker | Fawcett
26-Dec-18 | No Meeting | Fish
02-Jan-19 | Lana Rodlie | Keepers of the Garden | Graham
09-Jan-19 | Jan Morton | Thriving for All -Project Update | Harrison
16-Jan-19 | Sgt. Mike Wicentowich | Trail RCMP | Masleck
23-Jan-19 | | | McConnachie
30-Jan-19 | Helen Graham | Club Assembly | Morgenthaler
06-Feb-19 | Bill Coedy | Rossland Streamkeepers | Morton
13-Feb-19 | Naomi McKimmie | United Way | Patterson, M
20-Feb-19 | Joya McIntyre | Selkirk Security | Patterson, P
27-Feb-19 | Dan Rodlie | Trail Community In Bloom | Rodlie
06-Mar-19 | Ed Attridge | Trail & District Chamber of Commerce | Rutherglen
13-Mar-19 | Helen Graham | Club Assembly | White
20-Mar-19 | Carolyn Amantea | Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy | Daniels
27-Mar-19 | Andrea Lewis | Community Kitchens Program | Fawcett
03-Apr-19 | Janet MacNeil | Coordinated Family & Early Years Services Project | Fish
10-Apr-19 | Marylynn Rakuson & Linda Zol | United Church Foodbank | Graham
17-Apr-19 | Cheryl Whittleton & Andrew Earnshaw | New Primary Care Model | Harrison
24-Apr-19 | Donna Dean | 2018 Flood Impacts & Ongoing Recovery | Masleck
01-May-19 | Rev. Neil Elliot | St. Andrew's Anglican Church's Lunch Program | McConnachie
08-May-19 | Meeting Cancelled. Kettle Corn Work Party 10-May 6 pm at White House |
10-May-2019 18.00 h Kettle Corn Cook at Whitehouse
11-May-2019 Kettle Corn Selling at Cominco Arena
15-May-19 | Dewayne Penner | Global Grant for Education Project -S. Africa | Morton
22-May-19 | Meeting Cancelled. 24-May dinner at Rodlie's with Friendship Exchange Guests |
22-May-2019 16.00 h Wine & Cheese at Elizabeth's -incoming Argentina Friendship Exchange, BYOB
23-May-2019 11.00 h Rossland walk followed by lunch at Josie in Rossland at 13.00 h. RSVP to Leigh for reservation numbers
24-May-2019 17.00 h BBQ at Rodlie's
29-May-19 | Tamsin Snodgrass | Movin Mountains Therapy Centre | Patterson, P
05-Jun-19 | | | Rodlie
12-Jun-19 | Meeting Cancelled. Kettle Corn Cook at White House
15-June Selling Kettle Corn at Smoke'N Steel Car Show
19-Jun-19 | Meeting Cancelled. 17-June Joint Installation Rossland/Trail/Waneta Clubs | White
17-June-19 Year-End Installation of Officers
Date | Speaker | Topic | Racketeer
05-Jul-17 | | | Morton
12-Jul-17 | | White House Kettle Corn Cook | -
19-Jul-17 | Sarah Cupello | RYLA Student | Cytra
26-Jul-17 | | | Daniels
02-Aug-17 | | 3-Club BBQ at Rodlie's with DG & ADG | Daoust
09-Aug-17 | | | Fawcett
16-Aug-17 | | | Fish
23-Aug-17 | | | Graham
30-Aug-17 | | | Masleck
06-Sep-17 | | Kettle Corn Meeting at White House | McConnachie
13-Sep-17 | Helen | Discussion about the auction | Morgenthaler
20-Sep-17 | Peter | Lunch at Rotary Park hosted by Peter | Morton
27-Sep-17 | Scott | Budget presentation | PattersonM
04-Oct-17 | Ray Tenisci | Citizen of the Year Plus | PattersonP
11-Oct-17 | TBA | Polio Plus and Rotary Foundation | Rodlie
18-Oct-17 | Monique Park | Natural Foods and Supplements | Rutherglen
25-Oct-17 | TBA | Club Assembly -tentative | White
01-Nov-17 | Kathryn Foley | The New Trail Library | Morton
08-Nov-17 | Jan Morton | Affordable Housing Project | Cytra
15-Nov-17 | Mary Austin | Austin Engineering, Tech Club for Kids | Daniels
22-Nov-17 | Sarah Benson | Manager Trail Archives & Museum -New Library Museum | Daoust
29-Nov-17 | John Ruder | President, Golden City Railway Modellers -Model Railroading | Fawcett
06-Dec-17 | TBA | TBA | Fish
13-Dec-17 | TBA | TBA | Graham
17-Dec-17 | Paulette | Private Evening Function at Patters |
20-Dec-17 | Cancelled | | Masleck
27-Dec-17 | Cancelled | | McConnachie
03-Jan-18 | Jan Morton | Club Assembly | Morgenthaler
10-Jan-18 | Geoff Harrison | Trail Youth Action Network | Morton
17-Jan-18 | Jeff Weaver | Rossland Dispensary | PattersonM
24-Jan-18 | Mary Austin | MIDAS | PattersonP
31-Jan-18 | Barbara Gibson & | Generation to Generation Society | Rodlie
00-Jan-00 | Betty Anne Marino | |
07-Feb-18 | Wayne Kelly | Radio Stuff | Rutherglen
14-Feb-18 | Dan Derby | Fire Chief RDKB | White
21-Feb-18 | Ron Clark | Tax Tips | Morton
28-Feb-18 | Lisa Pasin | KBRH Foundation | Cytra
07-Mar-18 | Scott Daniels | The Rotary Foundation; TRF Reference Guide | Daniels
14-Mar-18 | Helen Graham | PETS and planning for our next year of Rotary | Daoust
21-Mar-18 | Gwen Chernenkoff | Your Kidneys | Fawcett
28-Mar-18 | Trisha Davidson | Trail Parks & Recreation -Trail Skate Park | Fish
04-Apr-18 | Gordon Titsworth | Trail Pipe Band | Graham
11-Apr-18 | Kristen Renn | VISAC Gallery | Masleck
18-Apr-18 | Nadine Tremblay | Trail District Arts Council | McConnachie
25-Apr-18 | Justin Ma | Student Technology Conference | Morgenthaler
02-May-18 | TBA | Club Assembly | Morton
09-May-18 | Bill Van Beek | Lower Columbia Community Development Team (LCCDT) | PattersonM
16-May-18 | Alissa Bryden | 100 Entrepreneurs | PattersonP
23-May-18 | | | Rodlie
30-May-18 | | | Rutherglen
06-Jun-18 | | | White
13-Jun-18 | Eliza Dawson | Adventures in Citizenship | Morton
20-Jun-18 | John Doherty | | Cytra
27-Jun-18 | | | Daniels
Date | Speaker | Topic
21-Sep-16 | DG Kees van der Pol | DG update. Kees will be travelling with his wife Mayumi.
28-Sep-16 | |
05-Oct-16 | Desiree Profili | WildSafe BC
12-Oct-16 | Fiona Martin | Interact Trip to Guatamala
19-Oct-16 | Ruth Beck | Trail Area Health Environmental Program
26-Oct-16 | TBA | Club Assembly
02-Nov-16 | Teri Ferworn | School District update
09-Nov-16 | Jamie Forbes and Sarah Benson | Exhibits for the new museum
16-Nov-16 | |
23-Nov-16 | Jennifer Sirges | Survey on seniors from the BC Office of Advocates for Seniors
30-Nov-16 | |
07-Dec-16 | |
14-Dec-16 | |
21-Dec-16 | |
28-Dec-16 | |
04-Jan-17 | Barb Gibson | Sanctuary House Update
11-Jan-17 | Kees van der Pol | District Governor
18-Jan-17 | |
25-Jan-17 | Mike Konkin | Trail's New Craft Brewery
01-Feb-17 | Gord Menlaws | Inspiring Wellness and Learning Coordinator, TECK Trail Operations, and Trainer Canadian Mental Health Association BC Division - talking about mental health
08-Feb-17 | Jan Morton | Before attending to PETS, Jan wants to have a Club Assembly to discuss Club Goals for the 2017/2018 Rotary year
15-Feb-17 | Alissa Bryden | CPA and owner of Virtual Heights Accounting, discussing Cloud Accounting and working in the virtual world
00-Jan-00 | Barbara Gibson | Update on Sactuary & Sanctuary House Operations & Hospice
22-Feb-17 | Kathleen Pistak | Mountain Town Knits, a look at the role technology plays in designing, producing and marketing
01-Mar-17 | Jan Morton | Leadership -Engaging our Community in What Rotary Does
08-Mar-17 | Christy Anderson | Family Action Network, Investing in the Early Years
15-Mar-17 | Barbara Gibson & Brenda Hooper | NCare Initative, a Model for RuralHospice
22-Mar-17 | Scott Daniels & Louise McEwan | LeRoi Foundation Update
29-Mar-17 | Mike Davis | Friends of Refugees, Trail, BC
05-Apr-17 | Rachel Friedrich | Trail Mental Health Outreach Worker: The Opiod Crisis and what you need to know about Naloxone.
12-Apr-17 | Jan Morton | Club Assembly
19-Apr-17 | Rev. Martha Fish | One Woman’s Experience as an Ordained Priest
26-Apr-17 | TBA | TBA
03-May-17 | John Doherty | School for Special Education, San Miguel
10-May-17 | Mike Balahura | Tegucigalpa Market Children Project.
00-Jan-00 | |
17-May-17 | Jack McConnachie | Local Real Estate Scene
24-May-17 | Mike Martin | City of Trail Update
31-May-17 | Bill Clarke | Hospital Foundation
07-Jun-17 | Mike Martin | City of Trail Update
14-Jun-17 | Gina & Rob Ironmonger | incrEdible Trail Initiatives
21-Jun-17 | Ian Finke, | Teck Trail Operations, Manager Projects, Property Services and Business Improvement -update on Teck Initiatives
28-Jun-17 | Jenelle Hynes | Business Development Manager -Update on Pacific Coastal in Trail
Speaker Coordinators
Sept (TBA) | Oct (Elizabeth) | Nov (Leigh) | Jan (Jan)
Feb (Ardith) | Mar (Scott) | Apr (Lana) | May (TBA) | Jun (TBA)