Financial Support

Approved, Board of Directors, 8-Feb-2016: LR, BP, HG, RM, SD Trail Rotary Club Community Service Committee Guidelines for Financial Support

  1. No Grants To Individuals. Financial assistance is not given directly to individuals, except in exceptional circumstances. Assistance is given to individuals through organizations. It is difficult to screen individuals and avoid overlapping with other donors.

  2. Assurance of Ongoing Operation without Continuing Support. If it is determined to create or assist in the creation of a new organization to serve the community, the assurance of the new organization’s ability to operate without continuing financial support from the Rotary Club of Trail should be an essential factor.

  3. Preference for Capital Grants. Preference is given to providing capital grants rather than money for operating expenses.

  4. Preference in Trail. Preference is given to projects in the Trail area.

  5. Capacity to Attract Additional Support. An organization applying for support must satisfy the committee of its capacity to attract whatever additional support is required to complete and operate the project.

  6. One-Shot Grants. While reviewing grant requests, and while one should be mindful of "special circumstances," the general principle of “one-shot” grants should be maintained. In the case of a major project requiring grants for two or more years, it is recommended that the Board should seek membership approval.

  7. Support being received by an applicant from other sources should be taken into account in all cases.

  8. Relieving Government Agency. Generally, funds should not be provided for a service which relieves the Government or a Government Agency of responsibility which the committee deems is rightfully that of the Government. However, the Board should consider cooperative financing with Government for demonstration purposes with a view to encouraging long-term Government support.

  9. Diversify Areas of Support. As much as possible, we should try to consider the needs of all groups such as Youth, Health, The Aged, Education, The Blind, etc. and avoid channeling all of our support to one field.

  10. External Advisors. The Board may call on advisors to assist in evaluating applications. Such advisors should not be restricted to members of the committee or the Club.

  11. Project Suggestions. The Board and the Club should seek major – and new projects.

  12. Communication. All significant grants should be recognized at Club meetings and Bulletins.

  13. Allowable Applicants by Role. Applications for funds must be submitted over a signature of an executive member of the organization concerned. The Board must be advised who is directing the project, and if there is involvement by Club members in the organization of the project.