Executive and Roles
Executive and Roles
President (Helen Graham)
President Elect (Cam Rauschenberger)
Past President (Richard Fish)
Secretary (Paulette Patterson)
Sergeant-at-arms (Peter Morgenthaler)
Treasurer (Scott Daniels)
Website Admin (Scott Daniels)
Foundation (TBA)
Community Service (Mike Patterson)
Club Service (Ardith White)
International Service (Bruce Fawcett)
Membership & Public Relations (Leigh Harrison)
Ways & Means (Jan Morton)
Youth Service (Jason Warman)
Roles & Responsibilities
Roles & Responsibilities
Overall club leadership and Club spokesperson, set goals and track results, chair weekly and Director meetings, liaise with and manage communication with District leadershipPresident
President Elect
Develop leadership team and goals for upcoming year, attend President Elect Training and District meetings, assist President as needed.President Elect
Manage membership records for Club, District and RI; maintain meeting notes; monitor and manage mail and email communications.Secretary
Develop annual budget, manage account payables and receivables, maintain accounting records and produce quarterly and annual financial reportsTreasurer
Past President
Serve as a resource for the President and other members of the leadership team.Past President
Membership and Public Relations Director
Create and manage membership recruitment and development processes and oversee public relations with a primary focus on supporting recruitment.Membership and Public Relations Director
Club Service Director
Weekly meeting set up and tear down, including meal pre-orders; ensure speaker program is coordinated; promote Club fellowshipClub Service Director
Community Service Director
Identify and organize local community service projects and support Carol Festival lead person(s).Community Service Director
Youth Service Director
Recruit and support youth leadership program participants, manage school scholarships, liaise with and support Interact Club.Youth Service Director
International Service Director
Identify and organize international service projects.International Service Director
Ways and Means Director
Identify and manage fund development initiatives.Ways and Means Director