Erickson Trust Fund

Fund Transfer, 2018

After managing the Erickson Trust Fund for 26 years, the Fund Trustees and the Rotary Club of Trail made a decision to donate the fund to the LeRoi Community Foundation. This endowed fund of $71,411 will grow with further contributions, and interest will support local projects with preference being given to supporting projects for seniors housing and disadvantages children & youth.

History of the Erickson Trust Fund

The trust was established in 1992 with a bequest of $69,000, received in 1990 from the estate of Rotarian Carl Eric Gustav Erickson. His will stated that the money was to be used as the club thinks proper for the "benefit of the club's senior citizens home project and for the benefit of crippled children." Chris McEwan of McEwan Harrison has interpreted this as meaning Rotary Villa, Jubilee Manor and Kiro Manor, and crippled as referring to "disabilities, deficiencies and weaknesses of the mind and body." Monies for crippled children are generally not to be provided to individuals, but to community organizations that will benefit "crippled children."

The Club established a trust to administer the money comprised of the three immediate past presidents, each serving a three-year term commencing as soon as they become past-president. Disbursements are to be made according to the terms of the will and upon the unanimous approval of the trustees, a recommendation from the executive and approval of the membership. Any motion to spend any part of the principal requires approval of the membership at a special meeting.

The trustees may not solicit or initiate applications, but after obtaining a legal opinion in 2003, the Club set up a liaison committee to do so. Terms of reference for the Club, regarding the trust, written by B.A. Marino and F. Drinnan in 2004, called for the community service committee to set up a donations sub-committee to solicit applications and submit them to the trust.

Raymond Masleck, Director International Services, January 2009