Negotiating for Meaning & Healthy Conflict/Argumentation

Atwoodian Table Protocol.pdf

This protocol walks students through learning about a topic, bringing multiple perspectives to the metaphorical table, and then a dramatization of an evidence based conversation to practice meaningful and productive argumentation.

This website was co-created by Jonathan Haidt and NYU professor and psychologist. The resources in this website are meant to help anyone who would like to have more meaningful dialogue. 

Students read a NYTimes article that argues Gatsby is a Man of our Times. They must respond via argument after finishing their own reading of the text, presenting evidence from the text and from their own experience as support for their argument. 

SL Socratic.docx

This is a round table model in which students discuss key elements of the novel, the author's back ground, the historical context and the application to modern day readers after finishing a text. (in this case, The Scarlet Letter.)

This resource takes students through a story about a cat that bakes a cake and leads to a meaningful conversation with no "perfect" answer of what is fair? This resource can be used for a variety of purposes and it works to build classroom discussion skills around topics not everyone will see eye to eye on. 

~Created by Colin Kohlmeier (Boise State Writing Project)

“Cat Bakes a Cake” & What is fair?