Understanding and Respecting the Constitution of Knowledge

Stories and Identity Activities: Andy Porter

Two activities that explore the links between who we are, and the stories and places which constitute our identity. 

~Created by Andy Porter, 2022 

Lit. Circle Ranking and Inquiry Question Discussion Guidelines

This literature circle discussion activity uses a warm up, work out, and cool down. Students complete a plot summary, a ranking activity with questions from the inquiry unit applied to the novels they are reading, and a search for quotes to prove ideas the groups assert about the novels.

~Created by Andy Porter, 2022 

Novels of "Voice" Essay Construction

This unit has two final products: a short essay about the novel and what it teaches the student about our "Voice" inquiry question, and a creative component, where we break out the glue and glitter and scissors and make cool stuff. This resource is a set of tools students can use to write their essay. 

~Created by Andy Porter, 2022