Adult Learning DBIs

Social emotional learning is a critical aspect of learning and human success. As educators, we must understand the importance of social emotional learning and how to foster in and then implement practices to do so. Through this document-based inquiry, educators will explore the what, why, and how of social emotional learning  and consider how to transfer their learning to their unique contexts to support their learners. 

Author: Jackie Miller

Essential Question: What is social emotional learning (SEL), and why does it matter? 

Author: John Poole

Essential Question: What insights can I gain from analyzing texts/stories from different perspectives?

DBI Planning Guide

There are many voices with many views on many subjects. It can be difficult sometimes to give time and energy to voices that aren't within a comfortable and trusted echo chamber. The purpose of this DBI is to help students look at various voices first before trying to insert themselves as an expert. Students will work in small groups of three to research perspectives (which may not necessarily be their own) surrounding an issue and discuss, write, and present on their findings.  

Author: Kristen Glenn

Essential Question: Socrates encouraged people to question all assumptions. He taught that ideas are not all necessarily correct just because someone in authority said so; “examine every idea on its merits.”

–Do you think he is right? Explain.

DBI Planning Guide

This DBI will assist in the understanding and identification of implicit bias and how those biases may lead to microaggressions. It includes ideas on how to handle microaggressions and become a better ally. It will also includes examples of microaggressions faced in real life with stories of how those impacted the life experience of recipients. 

Author: Maura Goddard

Essential Question: How biases and microaggressions impact my school and classroom?

DBI Planning Guide