
"Just Breathe" by Julie Bayer Salzman & Josh Salzman (Wavecrest Films).  This video introduces mindfulness to elementary kids, using mindfulness to navigate emotional triggers and complex challenges and problems

Mind Up’s Mission Statement: We believe that our young people deserve an inclusive world of kindness, love, joy, respect, equality and one that promotes interconnectivity to all humanity. Based firmly in neuroscience, MindUP teaches the skills and knowledge children need to regulate their stress and emotion, form positive relationships, and act with kindness and compassion.

A medical project that has implications for creating compassionate, caring classrooms.  The essence of democracy is to care about others and the community and the common good.

This program provides lesson plans about compassion and kindness, including information about the science of kindness. Additionally, monthly ideas are provided throughout the year about how to incorporate intentional kindness into your classroom and school.

10 mindfulness activities for the classroom to be able to adapt mindfulness education to children’s lives.

5 minute laughter yoga activity to spark joy in the classroom.

An example video of a mindfulness meditation that promotes being kind to ourselves, using positive affirmations.

This resource introduces mindfulness to kids through games and play.

This podcast helps with training yourself to be happier.

A book with an unreal personal survey and practical strategies to build your best self.

This website, through the Boise School District, is a collection of activities, videos, games, music and recipes to improve wellbeing.