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Injuries and Damage

During different activities, such as racing, whether it be street racing or competitions in official circuits, hunting, professional activities and street quests, that include some sort of action injuries are possible.

There are five levels of possible injuries and various damage to health of your cat.

Chances for injuries and accidents themselves are rolled by random. However there are various items and traits that either decrease chances of injury to happen, lower level of injury or totally cancel out the roll for injury itself.

Injuries or illness will kick your cat out of the game for particular time.
This time depends on level of damage, your cat got.
In this out-of-game time your cat can not enter any shows or breed the shedu during this time.
You can not do anything with it, except treatment and recovery procedures.

While your cat is resting, you can keep yourself busy by designing and applying new scars of your cat. As injuries can cause some changes to looks of your pet! ( If you choose! )

The strength and variety of the effect depends on level of injury.

Each injury or damage has its level: 

Trifling scratch:


250 out of 1 000

With vet bonus:

240 out of 1 000

With complete SHEDU FUNDAMENTAL TRAINING in corresponding discipline:

200 out of 1 000

Scratches and scars is no reason to get upset.

But be careful!

In spite the fact that few scratches can`t do anything really bad to your cat, consequences can be far less pleasant!

During next two months without treatment cat will get higher chances to get more serious injuries!

It is recommended to give your cat vitamins and joint supplement.

Range of scratches and visualization of injuries possible:

This sort of damage only will bring from 1 to 3 little scars to your cat.

These scars must be no larger then 5-10 cm.

Minor damage


100 out of 1 000 

without any protective items or training

With vet bonus:

90 out of 1 000

150 out of 1 000

under effect of trifting scratch

With complete SHEDU FUNDAMENTAL TRAINING in corresponding discipline:

60 out of 1 000

Flea plague case:

200 out of 1 000

Minor injury or illness will knock your cat out of game for 2 real life months and after that animal will be back on its feet without any treatment.

Applying treatment can get the cat on its feet faster or even resolve the issue immediately.

Range of scratches and visualization of injuries possible:

all previous + ear tips removal, bigger scars up to a half of your hand in size

Moderate damage:

50 out of 1 000 

without any protective items or training

With vet bonus:

40 out of 1 000

90 out of 1 000

under effect of trifting scratch

With complete SHEDU FUNDAMENTAL TRAINING in corresponding discipline:

20 out of 1 000

Moderate damage will get your cat out of game for 4 real life months and after that animal will be back on its feet without any treatment

Applying treatment can get the cat on its feet faster or even resolve the issue immediately.

Range of scratches and visualization of injuries possible:

all previous + tail docking in half, ear cutting completely, larger scars,  blind eye

Serious damage:

15 out of 1 000

without any protective items or training

With vet bonus:

10 out of 1 000

With complete SHEDU FUNDAMENTAL TRAINING in corresponding discipline:

0 out of 1 000

Serious damage will get your cat out for 6 real life months and after that animal will be back on its feet without any treatment

Applying treatment can get the cat on its feet faster or treat the issue in very short time. Multiply attempts might be needed though.

Range of scratches and visualization of injuries possible:

all previous +  both eyes can go blind, one eye removal, complete docking of tail, limb deformation

Fatal Injury:

5 out of 1 000

without any protective items or training

With vet bonus:

3 out of 1 000

With complete SHEDU FUNDAMENTAL TRAINING in corresponding discipline:

0 out of 1 000

Fatal injury is one that can cause death to your cat. You need to apply treatment in attempt to save it`s life.

This thing works next way: As soon as your cat gets fatal injury, it stucks in limbo with it`s Fatal injury bage placed on log.

Your cat is out of game. You can come back to it and try to treat it at any time. You will have 5 attempts to heel your cat.

It is recommended to apply every item you can afford and ask veterinarian to treat your cat.

Range of scratches and visualization of injuries possible: 

all of above + burns, facial diformation, one limb removal


Q. May I apply several treatment attempts in one bunch?



Each treatment attempt must be sent separately.

You can apply another one as soon, as previous was proceeded.

Remember! You have only 5 attempts per each injury. 

Q. How many items can I apply via one treatment attempt?


As many, as you`d like.

Q. So, how do I know, if my cat gets injury?


It will be posted with result and immediatly Injury badge will appear in new sector of cat`s LOG:


Under the badge there will be date, when cat`s "red card" expires.

After that date your cat will be safe and sound again. 

Q. How do I apply treatment ?


Just as any shop item.

You go to Buying items with RDs LOG:

Post there an item you want to buy  and list cat you want it to be applied.

Item will be posted under Injury card with result written.

If action was successful, your cat will be safe and sound again immediately.

However, each attempt of treatment will shorten the suspension time more or less. 


And if my cat did die (run out of 5 attempts being under fatal injury suspension)? Is it over?

That`s not fair! I do not want my cat to die!

It`s 1 of 1 000 chance.

+ there are 5 attempts of heeling the cat.

Those won`t work properly only if you`ll apply five times only vitamins. Its like to give an aspirin to a person with huge wound and expect them to get better.