The Nocturne *NEW* Line

If you want a literal jewel of a cat, here’s your fix. Members of the Nocturne line are notorious for being, well, luminous.

The Nocturne line is one of mysterious origin. When the original male first appeared as an import, he was immediately believed to have ties to the Michael Jackson lineage due to his astonishing hide and plush fur. However, upon further testing, this cat had no relation to the iconic confession-filled lineage, and on top of that, sported an unusual aptitude for sportive activity. To this day, these traits carry down through his lineage.

Nocturne cats often sport large ears and brilliant coloration, strongly preferring darker base coats to express confessions. Countless white spots which mirror stars can often be found in these cats, creating pictures of warped galaxies with crescent moons and amplified swirls of color from intensity. Sabers are an unusual but striking trait this line appears to prefer, along with colored points.

Notably, this line encourages crossbreeding into classic built shedu cats to enhance their sportive quality. As a result, heights of cats in this line tend to be above average for that of most asian lineages. If you can get a Nocturne to sit still, one might find their stunning appearance suitable for in-hand events, but one will be hard pressed finding a cat amongst this lot which prefers korung over heavy activity.

Ideal Character:

Cats of the Nocturne line are notorious for jumpy, excited, and almost 'too workable' characters. They get bored easily and need plenty of stimulation to stay content. Do not expect these cats to be content lying about and showing off their colors. 

Base Information

The ideal look is quite literally 'as bright as possible'. The more closely one can get their cat to look like a painted picture of a neon galaxy, the more likely they are to score highly with this line. While traits such as big ears and colored siams are preferred, the standard is a black based cat with confessions, or a brown based cat with enough darkening traits to show confessions ( Wing, Siams, etc) and bright enough pangare to fill in the gaps. White, 'starry' spotting is sought after amongst this line, as are the iconic spacy crescents.

Fierce red eyes often adorn these cats, along with the occasion saber teeth. Body should be well muscled and built for explosive movement: mixing this line with classic cats, or even being entirely classic, is even encouraged to increase sportive quality and drive seen amongst these flashy cats.

Bonus to Stats of those with this Lineage ;

+2 Speed, +1 Stamina

Line Bonus for Gold Breeder's SPC :

Notable Traits :

- Double color and single color confession, often stacked on top of one another to create 'triple confessions'. 

- Large ears, full sabers

- Bright colors, amplified with intensity and white spotting.

- Crescents and red eyes

Prefix rules :

- Direct Offspring (Sons/Daughters) ;

- Males begin with prefix  'El' before their name. 

Examples: El Valle, El Cheesecake, NPC El Virtue, El Tall Oaks de Vista

-Females begin with prefix 'La' before their name.

Examples: La Rosa, La Bagel, NPC La Era, La Timely Sinner de Vista

Inspiration Art :

Nocturne Line Requirements

Severe Ranged Penalties :

Middle Ranged Penalties :

Minimal Ranged Penalties :

Bonuses :

Line Bonus for Gold SPC :