The Ares *NEW* Line

Found in a back alley, beaten and scared, the cub was quickly rushed to a nearby emergency clinic. However, once he was checked in, it was quickly noted that he was a fighting ring cat, and obviously a decent fighter with all the scars littering his body. After many hours of surgery to clean and repair new and old wounds, the battle-scarred tom was put under major sedation in a small room so as to not allow him to reopen any wounds.

After hours of waiting, the tom woke and, while still under the effects of the drugs he was on, was snarling and spitting at any person or shadow that went by. The vets quickly realized they would not be able to find a home for this cat and he was placed on the “Last Act of Kindness” list. The tom had mere days to live, hoping to give him time to come around and home him, but it was looking grimmer as the minutes and hours flew.

As posts went out about street shedu fights, police had coordinated with fellow rescues and made a plan to find this underground fighting ring. While many posts circulated about several cats round in alleys and garbage bins, a photo of the tom slipped out. The owner of many prized Komainus couldn’t help but reach out and find out more information for the vet center that had had this asian feline under constant monitoring and sedation for days. She was told to not worry as by the end of the week he would be laid to rest.

Within 12 hours she was at the vet’s front door, and by 6pm that evening, she was signing paperwork to take the feral feline home. As well as signing liability waivers that may affect the vet and their practice. 

Ares The Killer King

Why the Ares line:
Ares is a very strong and attack heavy cat. They are fast and hard hitters, they attack first and never ask questions. Ares cats are expected to be thick and sturdy. Front legs must be strong and can strike a powerful blow to their opponent. While the back legs should be able to kick them forward to attack on a moment's notice; or to kick devastating hits one after another. They are known for being extremely aggressive and not trusting towards anyone but one human in their lifetime. It is strongly frowned upon to breed two Ares’ together as the cubs usually turn out far more feral than average and almost always end up being put down, usually caused by BPD.

    Ares should never have white on them, white is a sign of surrender and these cats will never surrender. They fight until their last breath with every tooth and nail in their body.

Ares have a very thick singtoo mane that protects their throat from their attackers. Usually their ears are cropped and tails are docked so as to not allow their opponent to get a grip on them. If you do not alter your cubs they have a strong disadvantage towards their opponents. 

Base Information

Bonus to Stats of those with this Lineage ;

+2 Speed +1 Agility

Line Bonus for Gold Breeder's SPC :

Notable Traits :

- Strong jaw, large fangs.

- Thick Singtoo mane.

- Deep red/black markings and colors.

- Blood red eyes.

- High Speed and Agility, low Temperament.
- Pattern that looks like “eyes”. (Prestige Hangman, Toad Eye, Smokey Leopard x Cheetah, etc.)
- Scars are highly encouraged, the more it looks like your Ares has won battles, the higher the praise and respect in the underground community.
- Cropped ears and docked tails.

Prefix rules :

- [404: Calculating additional information about this lineage ]

Breeding Rules : 

- [404: Calculating additional information about this lineage ]

Differences, Male Vs Female Ares

Females of the Ares line are a little more docile than the males, until it comes to breeding season, then they are extremely aggressive and go out of their way to attack any that come near them or their cubs. Females are a bit more agile and are not usually used to fight as they are smaller and don’t cause as much bloodshed. Females will kill the weakest cub at birth so as to not have to raise something that wouldn’t be a benefit to their species.

Males of the Ares line are extremely territorial and can not handle another male within a 10 mile radius of their territory. Should you have a male too close be prepared for the Ares male to not pay any attention to anyone and go on an attack rampage until he finds the male that is too near. Males are always heavier and stronger than females, their claws are much larger and their heads and sabers are always bigger and sharper.

Mating rituals for the Ares can waiver from cat to cat. In the wild males are known to fight other males for the female, and then they fight the female to prove they are worthy. If the female Ares beats the proposing male, he better run quick or else face getting some new battle wounds.

It is strongly recommended you don't own several Ares cats at the same time. If you do, you best face the consequences when the time comes.

Ares Line Requirements

Severe Ranged Penalties :

Middle Ranged Penalties :

For Asian blood being less than 50%

Minimal Ranged Penalties :

Bonuses :

Line Bonus for Gold SPC :