Welcome to Shedu Tack Crafting

Players far and wide love to create! To help drive this love for creation, we have decided to add a simple crafting of tack for players to not only decorate their beloved Shedus, but to allowed players further ways to make themselves, their art, and their brand stand out above the rest!
Follow along the simple steps below to set up your own tack stop and start creating your own tack today!

Step One ;

Create a deviant entry with your desired Tack shop logo and / or name.
Here are a couple of examples :

Step Two ;

Create a LOG comment under the deviation you have created with this title :

* If possible Feature the comment.

Step Three ;

Fill in this template in description of your deviation:

Shedu cats Tack Shop : Name of the shop
Owner : "Cattery + clickable DA-Link" *Cattery name can also be a link to your cattery journal or group
Shop`s LOG: Link the log from above here!

Step Four ;

Submit your Tack Shop deviation to shedu cats group folder ; Tack Shops

Step Five ;

Buy the desired license, using the Rockport Bank ; PURCHASE LOG

5.1 In your purchase request link the Deviant entry that represents your shop (and proof of completing all of the conditions needed if you`re aiming for higher level licenses)
5.2 An Admin will proceed your request and post a comment in your shop LOG with the license badge.

From this moment you are an Official Tack Creator!

Tack Crafting

Now you need get yourself tack tokens to be able to create actual tack set. You can find those during explorations, win as prizes, sometimes you can buy those or trade for them. You can buy and sell unused tokens among members.

Once you have acquired the needed amount of tack tokens (and any additional tokens you wish to use), you can officially create a tack set.

Note ; Although you need Tack tokens to make Official Tack sets, you are able to start design Tack sets that others may purchase, or even to save for your own future use, in attempts to self promote your abilities.

Such an example of a "Promo-Shelf" can be found in this Tack Shop ; Black Mortar Tack Company

Tack Sets may be made to fit any one discipline, such as but not limited to ; Flat Racing, Endurance Racing, Cross Country, Western Pleasure, etc.

Keep in mind, though you are allowed to pick any discipline for the tack set, it should be logical and appropriate for the desired discipline.

Name of tack set: (can be anything Lillies & Roses etc)
Type: (here you name the discipline it is good for)
Level of Tack: (this depends on the level of your license, and of which you wish to make the tack if applicable)
Additions: (if the tack has additional tokens used on it - bag tokens, decoration token etc)
Total bonus: (List here all the benefits your tack gives. From the initial level as well as additional token bonuses)
Creator: Link to Tack Shop & DA-name

The design should be placed on one of the existing shedu linearts.
(By the default, designs should be presented on the Classic Slim Shedu Cat lineart. Though other linearts are allotted)

Do not create your tack designs on existing cat designs to avoid confusion.*
ONLY use linearts, filled with grey. ( Like THIS

The background can be whatever you like, it may even be transparent. But, please, stay away from vivid, eye-blinding colours.

You can put your tack shop logo or cattery logo to the Image as well as the name of the Set or whom it is for.

*The above is exempt in the case that you are creating a tack set specifically for an owned cat and not going to sell any "copies" of said tack set.

* In such case you can put the tack set on the existing cat`s design, BUT may NOT use the official import backgrounds!

My Design is ready and uploaded, now what?!

When your design is ready and all applicable information is added, submit it to DA.

Make sure you have needed amount of tokens in your bank account for the creation Desired then ;

Go to Rockport bank Purchase Log and use the following form ;

Design & Tack Shop: Name + Link
License : which license this tack set should be created with (dictates its level).
New Tack Set : Name + Link
Amount of Tack Tokens Required : (Numeral Amount required)

An admin will turn your design into the item in your Tack Shop LOG under your chosen license: (Like THIS)

After an admin has turned a design into an actual item, you are able to sell those or assign to a cat of your choosing.

When selling tack to another, simply mark the proof of transfer under the item.

However, when applying the tack, as a Creator or as a Buyer, you will need to take that link as your proof for application through the Rockport Bank Item Applications Log as usual.

P.S. One and the same design can be used to create several tack sets. But you will need to create a new deviation with that design for each copy of the tack. You can leave colours the same or change them upon your desire or customer request.

THIS very same LOG is a good example of this. The same model is used to create several tack sets. Just make sure you have enough tack tokens to create those!

*Remember ; When selling tack to others it is very important for both buyer and seller to keep track of all proofs of their own deal!

Tack is being applied to a cat: www.deviantart.com/comments/1/…

Tack is being sold to another player (and later on applied by the request of the buyer to their desired cat: www.deviantart.com/comments/1/…