DARSSTHS World's Teachers Day Celebration

Teacher’s day is a day where we celebrate, thank, and honor our teachers for their hard work.

Published on:

October 8, 2022

Last updated:

October 8, 2022

A Celebration To Remember

By: Yoanna Nikylla Mamaradlo and Abby Jane San Diego

Commencement of the Teacher's Day Celebration

Taken by Yoanna Nikylla Mamaradlo

September 30, 2022 is a day to remember for the teachers of DARSSTHS as they celebrated the world teacher’s day with the theme “Gurong Pilipino, Dangal ng Sambayanang Pilipino”. It took place at the multipurpose hall on the campus of DARSSTHS. The SSG officers helped make this program memorable.

Loyalty Awardees taken by Yoanna Nikylla Mamaradlo

“Today is an appreciation for teachers and it is most welcome by all teachers nationwide.” Mr. Nimitz Abrasia said.

The wonderful and energetic emcees of this event were King Miki C. Castillo and Phoebe Lei Avestruz, followed by Mr. Michael Teodoro and Mr. Niño Villareal. The event began with singing the Nationalistic Song, followed by a prayer led by Trisha Bonifacio, the SSG Secretary. Ren Ren Agustin, the president of the SSG, made welcoming remarks before Mr. Ronnie Asiong Garcia, the president of the SPTA, delivered his inspirational message.

Selected teachers from every grade level prepared a performance for the TikTok competition. Everyone spent hours practicing and they showed a variety of unexpected performances for this competition. The Grade 7 teachers received the grand prize.

This year’s teacher’s day is indeed unforgettable as teachers were able to celebrate face-to-face again after having it done virtually for the last two years due to the pandemic, they were able to feel the joy of celebrating it around their co-teachers.

Mr. Nimitz Abrasia said that, “Today is very much more in-touch because for the last two years, we were in a pandemic, so celebrations of teachers day were done virtually, so it was not much felt compared today”.

Everyone was in a good spirit, laughter and cheers filled the air. The teachers’ ended this event with awards, prizes, and gifts on their hands, and smiles on their faces.

Teachers' dynamic performance taken by Abby Jane San Diego

Abby Jane San Diego

A senior news writer, now a news head editor.

Yoanna Nikylla Mamaradlo

A Senior feature writer, now a head editor.


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