Long Live, Laugh, Love

By Angelique Reign Del Rosario

A feature article about the Recognition Day,

Published on

July 18, 2023

Last Updated: 

July 17, 2023

Grade 9 students intermission number

Hinged on Long Live (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift, this song is about embracing memories and living for new beginnings:

“I said remember this moment 

In the back of my mind 

The time we stood with our shaking hands

The crowds in stands went wild”

As students close a new chapter, they are to open a new one. A phase where everything is new, their skills will be enhanced, and their knowledge will be strengthened. A journey that is different from their previous study years and is yet to be the end.

The recognition ceremony went well, even before it started. Many went to school with big smiles on their faces as they interacted with, and hugged one another. Some also cried, maybe because it was the last day they would see their classmates before the summer break or because of so much happiness. As many friends saw each other, many started reminiscing about their experiences and adventures. Many are taking photos and videos. They are ending, yet still creating memories together.

Ms. Angelica Green leading the Prayer taken by Lizette Mikylla Miguel

The ceremony started as the students lined up alphabetically to go inside the hall with their parents. Student awardees with honors entered first, and the student awardees with high honors went after them. The principal and assistant principal, with the guest speaker and teachers of their respective year levels, also made their entrance.

The event proceeded with the entrance of color, led by the scouts. Specific students of respective grade levels led the prayer. Before long, the national anthem and hymns were sung.

As the student awardees' names were called alphabetically, they went to the stage with their proud parents, putting on medals.

Dr. Marivic Franciso, the School Principal inspirational speech

“Mahirap po kasi I sacrificed so much of my health, body, and sleep pero I can say that it was all worth it .” A student awardee said. 

It can be hard, yes, but the lessons that they learned throughout their journey are with them. Many have indeed sacrificed a lot to get to where they are. Many went through so much to have what they have. Their hard work indeed did not go to waste, as their achievements speak for themselves. All the sleepless nights, frustrated days, mental breakdowns, and stressed weeks paid off. 

More of Long Live (Taylor’s Version), 

“Long live the walls we crashed through

How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you

I was screaming, "Long live all the magic we made"

And bring on all the pretenders

One day we will be remembered”

Cheers to the laughter we shared, the love we gave, and the moments we lived and cherished. We are remembered. 

Angelique Reign Del Rosario

A senior feature writer


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