DARSSTHS Leadership Training

Student leaders took part in leadership training , along with Oplan - Balik Kaalaman, before the school year officially started.

Published on:

August 24, 2022

Last updated:

August 23, 2022

Several DARSSTHS Club Officers Participated in a Leadership Training

By: Abby Jane San Diego

As part of the “Oplan Balik-Kaalaman”, Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School conducted a leadership training held in the ALS classroom at DARSSTHS campus, last Aug. 20, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. 14 Rocesian, including Flint editorial board and other club officers attended. The speakers of this event are Mr. Doyle Canlas and Mr. Neil Reyes from Every Nation Campus. This aims to make the students embrace leadership. The training consisted of lectures focused on the topic of leadership, and the participants responded to some of the speakers' questions.

Every Nation Campus is a global organization that prepares students for L.I.F.E. It stands for Leadership, Integrity, Faith, and Excellence. “Because our vision is that the future leaders are on the campuses, so as young as the students are, we need to equip them with that principle, L.I.F.E.,” the speakers said.

Training of "future leaders"

The speakers tackled the reasons why leaders are important, what is not a leader, and what is a leader. According to Mr. Doyle Canlas, the students need to know that we need not just a leader but a good leader. The training helped the students to understand the real definition of leadership. "The training taught us strategies on how to be a great leader. We now have ideas on what a leader should do and what a leader should avoid," Ms. Yoanna Mamaradlo, the Flint’s Feature Writing Head Editor said.

The attendees left with additional skills and knowledge. "The training made me embrace leadership. Being a leader can be tough and it is not an easy job, but there are a lot of leaders around the world that have what it takes to be a great one. Even if they are being pressured to do things, they make sure to make the right decisions," Ms. Yoanna Mamaradlo added. This training also inspires everyone to be a great leader and to lead something great. Ms. Jhillian Mae Cagol, Flint’s Column Writing Head Editor, said, "It helped us to understand leadership more. It taught me how important the role of a leader is, and I will make sure to follow all the lessons that I learned to be a great

Abby Jane San Diego

A senior news writer, now a news head editor.


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