Long Story Short, I  Survived

By Dawn Kiersten M. Cancino

A feature article about the Graduation Ceremony.

Published on

July 18, 2023

Last Updated: 

July 17, 2023

   Just like how the gust of cold wind from the pouring rain accompanied me as I hysterically took my step up the platform, the moment everyone had been patiently and enduringly waiting for at the juncture of my graduation didn’t last as long. 

  From the moment I laid my eyes upon these people, whom I grew up with, enthusiastically settling themselves before entering the stage until the moment we bid each other goodbye, it was certainly an exhilarating roller coaster ride. I found myself immersed in a whirlwind of emotions as we finally end another epilogue, with new worlds to explore and knowing no bounds to find ourselves. 

Receiving their medals and diploma taken by Lizette Mikylla Miguel

          Graduation is a seal to the memories created and kept together with the people with whom one had shared both triumphs and uncertainties, both ups and downs, and both glee and melancholy. It justifies the trials every student anxiously had to go through, the feeling of discouragement and fervor, and the zenith of all the history of being a resplendent student by granting awards given to honor every laudable soul. 

        Just as I stood breathless across the hall, with the loudest heartbeat, yet still poised and eager to accept the rewards that I knew I deserved, I felt the crowd’s proud gaze at me, and the room was filled with cheers and applause. As the head of the ceremony spoke, name after name and achievements were called one after another. 

  It seemed as if everything already paid off. Everyone had their own bests with the strengths that were acknowledged after. Alongside the cool weather, the warm congratulations illuminated the whole ceremony. It was a moment that I held within the chambers of my heart that I thought would’ve lasted forever, but just like how the rain came to an end within the day, so is the scene that flashed before my eyes just minutes ago as I left the hall.

         Rains are blessings in adherence to a popular belief. The skies had blessed us with uncounted raindrops that I felt on my skin as I weaved my goodbyes to those people who I once had through the depths of my student life in Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School ( DARSSTHS). The core memories of my high school days flashed back in the back of my mind—those that I’ll always look back on a rainy day like this.

Mr. Renren Agustin, the batch valedictorian inspirational and meaningful farewell message taken by Lizette Mikylla Miguel

 As I set off on a new path, I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself. Yet another chapter was waiting for me, I couldn’t forget those people that had been by my side with unfaltering patience that enveloped me through my journey. The efforts that I had once planted now bloomed into a pristine tree that represented every seed of my perseverance. The unfathomable tale of my high school life has now met the sweet ending I once dreamt of. 

Dawn Kiersten Cancino

A senior feature writer


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