Saving Throws & Magic Resistance

Saving Throws

The saving throw is a die roll that gives a chance, however slim, that the character or  creature finds some way to save themselves from certain destruction (or at least lessen the chance of a successful attack).

To make a saving throw, a player rolls 1d20. The result must be equal to or greater than the character's saving throw number. The number a character needs to roll varies depending upon their class group, their level, and what they are trying to save themselves from.

Saving Throw Criticals

Critical strikes occur when the target rolls a natural 3 or less on their saving throw and misses their saving throw by a margin of 5 points or more. If the spell or ability in question does not allow a saving throw, the target still checks for a critical strike by rolling a saving throw; this special saving throw has no other purpose than determining whether or not the character suffers a critical strike.

Doomed Lands Critical Tables

Magic Resistance

Magic resistance is given as a percentile number. For a magical effect to have any chance of success, the magic resistance must be overcome. The target (the one with the magic resistance) rolls percentile dice. If the roll is higher than the character's magic resistance, the spell has a normal effect.  If the roll is equal to or less than the character's magic resistance, the spell has absolutely no effect on the character.

Magic resistance enables a creature to ignore the effects of spells and spell-like powers. It does not protect the character from magical weapon attacks or from natural forces that may be a direct or accidental result of a spell. Nor does it prevent the protected character from using their own abilities or from casting spells and using magical items. It can be effective against both individually-targeted spells and, within limits, area-effect spells.

Magic resistance is rolled before saving throws.