
Alignment Basics

Chaotic vs. Lawful Morality

Morality is split between three categories:  Chaotic, Neutral, and Lawful.

A character's actions affect their Transient Morality.  At the end of each day, a character's Transient and Enduring Morality scores move 1d6 points toward the other.

Characters are considered Chaotic if their Enduring Morality is between -100 and -34, Neutral if it's between -33 to +33, and Good if it's between +34 to +100.

Neutral Transient Morality modifiers indicated with a ± always move a character's Transient Morality toward 0.

Chaotic Actions

Neutral Actions

Lawful Actions

Evil vs. Good Ethics

Ethics are split between three categories:  Evil, Neutral, and Good.

A character's actions affect their Transient Ethics.  At the end of each day, a character's Transient and Enduring Ethics scores move 1d6 points toward the other.

Characters are considered Evil if their Enduring Ethics are between -100 and -34, Neutral if they're between -33 to +33, and Good if they're between +34 to +100.

Neutral Transient Ethics modifiers indicated with a ± always move a character's Transient Ethics toward 0.

Evil Actions

Neutral Actions

Good Actions