Style Guide & Appendix N

Style Guide

Style Description Rating


Action Combat and physical challenges ★★★☆☆

Smart players should be able to largely choose the time and place of their character's fights.

Character Development Personal dilemmas and choices ★★★☆☆

It's entirely up to the player how their characters will develop based on the events of the campaign.  Like real life, characters don't have complete control over what happens to them.

Darkness How raw the setting is ★★★★★

People do awful things when they're hungry, and they have such terrible hungers within them.

Drama Ceremony and grand story ★★☆☆☆

Player characters can take part in the pomp and circumstance, but it is not the focus of the campaign.

Intrigue Politics and negotiation ★★★★★


Manners Social etiquette and peer pressure ★★★☆☆

NPCs will react appropriately to the PCs' behavior, but manners are not the focus of the game.

Mystery Enigmas and investigation ★★★★★

There are plenty of enigmas, but it is up to the players how much they investigate.

Pace How fast do stories emerge, develop, and resolve? ★★★☆☆

Player characters choose when and where they get involved, but the world changes on its own.

Romance Relationships, whether loving, physical, or other ★★★☆☆

Characters can be in all sorts of relationships.  Don't be lewd in server channels.

Appendix N

"All of the above authors, as well as many not listed, certainly helped to shape the form of the game. For this reason, and for the hours of reading enjoyment, I heartily recommend the works of these fine authors to you."

Gary Gygax, Dungeon Masters Guide (1e) (1979)


Edgar Allen Poe

Beowulf Poet

George R.R. Martin

H.P. Lovecraft

J.R.R. Tolkien

Jack Vance

Stephen King

Thomas Malory

Ursula K. LeGuin

William Shakespeare



Black Death

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon






Ninja Scroll

Pan's Labyrinth

Princess Bride

Princess Mononoke

The 13ͭ ͪ Warrior

The Dark Crystal

The NeverEnding Story

The Secret of NIMH

Vampire Hunter D

Vampire Hunter D:  Bloodlust


TV Shows

Avatar: the Last Airbender

Avatar: the Legend of Korra




Moriboto:  Guardian of Spirit


Record of Lodoss War

Spice and Wolf

Video Games

Baldur's Gate

Chrono Trigger

Darkest Dungeon

Dragon Age Origins

Dragon Age 2

Elden Ring

Final Fantasy I

Final Fantasy IV

Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy XII

Final Fantasy Tactics

Fire Emblem Awakening


Guild Wars

Lunar:  Eternal Blue

Lunar: The Silver Star 

Pillars of Eternity

Planescape:  Torment

The Elder Scrolls II:  Daggerfall

The Elder Scrolls III:  Morrowind

The Elder Scrolls IV:  Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls V:  Skyrim

Ultima VI:  The False Prophet

Unicorn Overlord

Special Thanks

Thank you to my parents for being patient and supportive.

Thank you to my wife for the same, as well as playing.

Thank you to my cousin for being one of the OGs and passing on his wisdom.

Thank you to everybody I've shared a table with over the years.

Thank you to the TSR staff, netbook writers, and bloggers who made the game what it is today.