

Here is a system to quantify a character’s piety, or the amount of divine favor that a character enjoys as a result of their behavior. Through obeying the teachings of the faith, upholding its beliefs, and working to increase its power, PCs of any class can gain the support and approval of their faith.

A character’s piety is measured by piety points, which are gained through pious acts and lost through impiety. The character's current number of piety points determine their Piety Echelon. As with experience levels, increased piety brings more benefits that “kick in” at discrete intervals. Unlike experience, however, it is easy to lose piety and drop a level.

Piety Echelons

000-015:  Average

016-031:  Devoted

032-063:  Blessed

064-127:  Inspired

128-255:  Exalted

Servants are classes with divine casting features.  Followers are all other classes.

Servants can cast a number of spell levels per day up to their Piety.

If any character's Piety would be reduced below zero due to loss of Piety, their Piety is instead reduced to zero and the character will receive a random Divine Curse until the character successfully redeems themselves.

See the tables below for each faith's Piety gain/loss conditions as well as Piety echelon benefits.  Characters retain the benefits of lower Echelons when advancing to higher Echelons.

Church of Wyyr

Church of Sun, Moon, and Stars

The Old Faith

The Hero Cult

The Arbiters

Servant Benefits

Average:  Any light source held by the character doubles its range.

Devoted:  Increase caster level by 2.

Blessed:  +1 to all Faith non-weapon proficiencies, saving throws, attack, and damage rolls.

Inspired:  Increase the range of all spells (including touch) by 30 feet.

Exalted:  Once per day, create a Cloak of Protection +5 made out of pure sunlight.  The Cloak lasts for one turn or until removed.

Servant Benefits

Average:  Gain a free spell slot of an available level that can be used for any spell with the word detect in the spell name.

Devoted:  Increase caster level by 2.

Blessed:  +1 to all Faith non-weapon proficiencies, saving throws, attack, and damage rolls.

Inspired:  Casting speed of all spells is improved by 2.

Exalted:  Gain access to all Divination school/sphere spells from all spell lists.  If the character already has this feature, they instead gain minor access to the School of Chronomancy.

Servant Benefits

Average:  Treat the Find Familiar and Familiar Enhancer I-VIII spells as All sphere spells.

Devoted:  Increase caster level by 2.

Blessed:  +1 to all Faith non-weapon proficiencies, saving throws, attack, and damage rolls.

Inspired:  gain Major sphere access to one of the following (which you cannot have access to as Minor):  Animal, Charm, Combat, Creation, Divination, Elemental, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Numbers, Plant, Protection, Summoning, Sun, Thought, Time, Travellers, War, Wards, or Weather.

Exalted:  10% chance to not spend a slot when casting any divine spells.

Servant Benefits

Average:  Nonmagical weapons wielded by the character are treated as +1 magical weapons for the purposes of hitting creatures that immune to nonmagical weapons.

Devoted:  Increase caster level by 2.

Blessed:  +1 to all Faith non-weapon proficiencies, saving throws, attack, and damage rolls.

Inspired:  Automatically detect and identify any monster, unnatural creature, or other hostile non-humanoid that exists within 20 miles of your home.

Exalted:  A Young Adult dragon of matching alignment arrives to serve the character as a mount and follower.

Servant Benefits

Average:  Automatically know all laws enforced where the character is located.

Devoted:  Increase caster level by 2.

Blessed:  +1 to all Faith non-weapon proficiencies, saving throws, attack, and damage rolls.

Inspired:  Cast spells from the Law sphere with double area of affect and duration.

Exalted:  90% resistance to spells of the Chaos sphere.

Follower Benefits

Average:  +1 to Fear saving throws.

Devoted:  +4 reaction bonus to NPC Followers and Servants.

Blessed:  Immune to penalties from Darkness and related spells.

Inspired:  When dealing damage to undead or creatures from the Demiplane of Shadow, increase damage dice by one step.

Exalted:  Once per month, summon a Good planar creature with HD equal to character level for one hour who will defend the character.

Follower Benefits

Average:  +1 to Fear saving throws.

Devoted:  +4 reaction bonus to NPC Followers and Servants.

Blessed:  Always know the results of a game of chance before dice, cards, or other game items are played.

Inspired: 5%+1%/lvl to detect when targeted by a divination spell.

Exalted:  Choose the result of a dice roll of their own once per day.  Use of this ability must be declared before any dice are rolled.

Follower Benefits

Average:  +1 to Fear saving throws.

Devoted:  +4 reaction bonus to NPC Followers and Servants.

Blessed:  Identify plants, animals, and pure water with 98% accuracy.

Inspired:  Immune to all movement and combat penalties from natural terrain.

Exalted:  When in nature, double the amount healed from natural healing.

Follower Benefits

Average:  +1 to Fear saving throws.

Devoted:  +4 reaction bonus to NPC Followers and Servants.

Blessed:  +4 Morale and Loyalty for all followers and hirelings.

Inspired:  cast a spell available to an Auxiliary of the same level for free once per day

Exalted:  Any attack that targets an ally of yours instead of you (or another character with this ability) and you're a viable a target is at -4 to attack.

Follower Benefits

Average:  +1 to Fear saving throws.

Devoted:  +4 reaction bonus to NPC Followers and Servants.

Blessed:  +2 save vs. mind-affecting spells and effects.

Inspired: automatically detect lies and know lawful/neutral/chaotic alignment of characters within 6' at all times, unless magically concealed.

Exalted:  When entering combat against any chaotic planar creatures, receive temporary hit points equal to your level.  These temporary hit points function as normal temporary hit points and disappear in an hour.

Piety Awards & Penalties

+10:  martyrdom with no access to a resurrection

+10:  recovering a lost Wyyran holy site or artifact

+2/+10:  desecrating an enemy faith's shrine/temple

+2 per HD:  harming an enemy faith's clergy

+1/2/3:  tithing 10%/50%/90% of income to NPC clergy

+1:  construct a small shrine (no more than once a month)

+4:  constructing a temple

+1:  aiding NPC Wyyran clergy

+1:  harming enemy faith clergy

+1/-1:  attending/failing to attend a major religious event

+1/-1:  helping/harming the weak or defenseless

-1 per month:  living in darkness

-1:  acting against a minimum standard of behavior

-1:  failing to make any required tithes

-1:  aiding enemy clergy

-2: harming a Wyyran shrine

-2:  failing to perform Servant duties

-2 per HD:  harming Wyyran clergy (double if killed)

-10:  harming a Wyyran temple

Piety Awards & Penalties

+10:  martyrdom with no access to a resurrection

+10:  recovering a lost SMS holy site or artifact

+2/+10:  desecrating an enemy faith's shrine/temple

+2 per HD:  harming an enemy faith's clergy

+1/2/3:  tithing 10%/50%/90% of income to NPC clergy

+1:  construct a small shrine (no more than once a month)

+4:  constructing a temple

+1:  aiding NPC SMS clergy

+1:  harming enemy faith clergy

+1/-1:  attending/failing to attend a major religious event

-1:  acting against a minimum standard of behavior

-1 per day:  living without view of the sky

-1:  attempting to undo a prophecy or omen

-1:  failing to make any required tithes

-1:  aiding enemy clergy

-2: harming an SMS shrine

-2:  failing to perform Servant duties

-2 per HD:  harming SMS clergy (double if killed)

-10:  harming an SMS temple

Piety Awards & Penalties

+10:  martyrdom with no access to a resurrection

+10:  recovering a lost Old Faith holy site or artifact

+2/+10:  desecrating an enemy faith's shrine/temple

+2 per HD:  harming an enemy faith's clergy

+1/2/3:  tithing 10%/50%/90% of income to NPC clergy

+1:  construct a small shrine or ancestral marker (no more than once a month)

+4:  constructing a temple

+1:  aiding NPC Old Faith clergy

+1:  harming enemy faith clergy

+1:  helping nature without thought of reward

+1/-1:  attending/failing to attend a major religious event

-1:  acting against a minimum standard of behavior

-1:  failing to make any required tithes

-1:  aiding enemy clergy

-1:  harming nature unnecessarily

-1:  aiding the cause of non-neutral alignments

-2: harming an Old Faith shrine or ancestral marker

-2:  failing to perform Servant duties

-2 per HD:  harming Old Faith clergy (double if killed)

-10:  harming an Old Faith temple

Piety Awards & Penalties

+10:  martyrdom with no access to a resurrection

+10:  recovering a lost Hero Cult holy site or artifact

+2/+10:  desecrating an enemy faith's shrine/temple

+2 per HD:  harming an enemy faith's clergy

+1/2/3:  tithing 10%/50%/90% of income to NPC clergy

+1:  construct a small shrine (no more than once a month)

+4:  constructing a temple

+1:  aiding NPC Hero Cult clergy

+1:  harming enemy faith clergy

-+1/-1:  attending/failing to attend a major religious event

+1/-1:  helping/harming the weak or defenseless

1:  acting against a minimum standard of behavior

-1:  failing to make any required tithes

-1:  aiding enemy clergy

-2: harming a Hero Cult shrine

-2:  failing to perform Servant duties

-2 per HD:  harming Hero Cult clergy (double if killed)

-10:  harming a Hero Cult temple

Piety Awards & Penalties

+10:  martyrdom with no access to a resurrection

+10:  recovering a lost Arbiter holy site or artifact

+2/+10:  desecrating an enemy faith's shrine/temple

+2 per HD:  harming an enemy faith's clergy

+1/2/3:  tithing 10%/50%/90% of income to NPC clergy

+1:  construct a small shrine (no more than once a month)

+4:  constructing a temple

+1:  aiding NPC Arbiter clergy

+1:  harming enemy faith clergy

+1:  bringing a lawbreaker to justice

-1:  breaking a law

-1:  lying

-1:  breaking a promise or oath

+1/-1:  attending/failing to attend a major religious event

-1:  acting against a minimum standard of behavior

-1:  failing to make any required tithes

-1:  aiding enemy clergy

-2: harming an Arbiter shrine

-2:  failing to perform Servant duties

-2 per HD:  harming Arbiter clergy (double if killed)

-10:  harming an Arbiter temple