Character Creation

Character Creation

Players will get their characters via a funnel. They will generate five PCs and the character that survives the solo introductory adventure will be the player's long-term character.  If you have any questions about any part of the process, please reach out to the DM for clarification.

Step 1: Ability scores are rolled using Method I:

Roll three six-sided dice (3d6); the total shown on the dice is your character's Strength ability score. Repeat this for Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma, in that order.

Any Ability Score sets with a mean, median, or mode below ten can be rerolled, as well as any Ability Score sets with no class eligibility.  The DM will let you know what rerolls are recommended so you don't have to do the math.

Step 2: Races are rolled randomly for each character. The first roll is on the Character Race Table. Some tabs require scrolling right to see them.

Players can declare one race they don't want to play (e.g., Kender), in which case any results of that race are rerolled.

Ignore any Ability Score requirements for race. Record the character's special racial abilities.

Doomed Lands Race Tables

Any Ability Scores above 20 after racial modifiers are reduced to 20.  Any Ability Scores below 3 after racial modifiers are increased to 3.

Doomed Lands Race Descriptions

Next, the table below shows rolls for Character Height, Weight, and Age.  Players can choose to roll either male or female values regardless of their character's sex/gender.

Doomed Lands Race Rolls Table

Step 3: Characters begin play at level zero and do not have a class.

Step 4: Players may choose or roll randomly any non-evil alignment for their characters.

Step 5: All characters' starting THAC0 is 20. Starting Saving Throws are listed in the Starting Saving Throws table:

Step 6: Roll 1d6 for starting HP.

Step 6.5: Choose a faith:

If any option other than Irreligious is chosen, roll 3d4 for starting Piety.

Step 7: Record your Base Movement Rate as listed in the table:

Doomed Lands Starting Saving Throws
Doomed Lands Base Movement Rate
Random Nonweapon Proficiency Tool

A character can normally walk their movement rate in tens of yards in a single round. An unencumbered Human can walk 120 yards (360 feet), slightly more than a football field, in one minute. A Dwarf, similarly equipped, can walk 60 yards in the same time. This walk is at a fairly brisk, though not strenuous, pace that can be kept up for long periods of time. However, a character may have to move slower than this pace. If the character is carrying equipment, they may move slower because of the encumbrance. As the character carries more gear, they gradually slow down until they reach the point where they can barely move at all. When a character is moving through a dungeon or similar setting, their movement rate corresponds to tens of feet per round (rather than the tens of yards per round of outside movement). It is assumed that the character is moving more cautiously, paying attention to what they see and hear while avoiding traps and pitfalls. Again, this rate can be lowered based on encumbrance. Characters can also move faster than the normal walking pace. In a dungeon (or anytime the character is using their dungeon movement rate), the character can automatically increase their movement to that of their normal walking pace. In doing so, however, they suffer a -1 penalty to their chance of being surprised and gives a +1 bonus to others on their chance of being surprised by them (the rapidly moving character is not taking care to conceal the noise of their passage in the echoing confines of the underground). Furthermore, the character does not notice traps, secret doors, or other unusual features.

Step 8: At creation, characters get proficiency in Pummeling and one of these weapons:

Adze Dart Knife Spear

Club Hand Axe Quarterstaff Staff Sling

Dagger Javelin Sling

Characters do not start with any weapons.

They also get one non-weapon proficiency from the General group (see below).  The Random Nonweapon Proficiency Table (see below-left) is available for players to quickly choose nonweapon proficiencies for their characters.

Players may choose starting language(s) as normal based on race and INT (see the Doomed Lands Race Description document above for options).  Players do not have to choose bonus starting languages and can reserve them for later use as weapon proficiencies for Arms characters.

Step 9:  Characters begin play with terrible horsehair robes and terrible sandals.

Step 10:  Check for a Wild Talent psionic ability.  The percentage chance is 1% base, +1% for each CON/INT/WIS score of 16, +2% for each CON/INT/WIS score of 17, and +3% for each CON/INT/WIS of 18.

Step 11:  The character who survives the funnel can choose a class from the classes listed below that they meet the qualifications for.  Dual- and Multi-classing are not allowed.  The DM will provide a list of classes the character is qualified for.  There are no racial level limits.

Step 12:  The player rolls their level 1 Hit Die and keeps the higher of that roll or their level 0 Hit Die, even if that amount is larger than the normal class Hit Die roll.

Step 13:  Players record the optimal Transitive and Enduring Morality/Ethics scores for their character's alignment.

Doomed Lands Classes