Crafting & Equipment


Weapons have two Size characteristics:



Type Cost Perception Surprise

Cap 1gp                                -1     -1

Coif 3gp       -1                          -1  

Open-faced Helm 4gp                                -2                          -2

Closed-faced Helm         5gp                                -3                          -2

Great Helm                 30gp                              -4                          -4


Crafting requires the following:

In general, the quality of the materials used to craft an item limit the quality of the final product.  For example, using wrought iron could not result in an item of quality better than Average.

Item Quality, Saving Throws, & Enchantments

The quality score of a piece of equipment affects only two things:  the item's saving throws and the maximum enchantment it can hold.

Quality S.T. Modifier Max Enchant

Supernal +5 5             

Perfect +4 4

Exceptional +3 3             

Superior +2 2

Fine +1 1             

Average   ±0 0

Poor -1 0             

Shabby -2 0

Terrible -3 0             

Awful -4 0

Worthless -5 0             

The material an item is crafted with may also affect the saving throws or how an item can be enchanted in addition to the numbers above.

Special Materials

Materials provide qualities to items created using those materials.

Doomed Lands Materials