Retakes Script Guide

Retakes Script Guide

This consists of a video guide and a written guide. Please make sure to read the written guide as there are few steps in the process that only the written guide covers:

  • Label Updating

  • Formulas for checking if a line is in one of several label tracks

  • Reformatting

  • Shortened Lines


Example Files:

Video Guide

Okay boyz and gals, here comes the long anticipated JG & retake script video-tutorial (which was supposed to be way shorter, but kind of evolved into a show and tell as I was making it, and suddenly ended up being just over 1 hour in length ) I hope the video clarifies some of the not so clear parts of the written tutorials, but feel free to use these as "supporting documentation" as this video goes through the same procedure as they do. I will preface this by saying: This is not the only way to do it, but it is a kind of "tried and tested" procedure which makes it easier to pick up on issues in the scripts / label tracks.

For the journeyman filecutting work, it would be nice to have a sort of "standardized" final product. Where the final checked script includes:

  • A script that is "original" (the script you downloaded where someone has done a first pass - unaltered)

  • A sheet containing the "Good" lines (so all lines that are labeled [good lines and script errors that do not require a retake])

  • A sheet containing the "Bad" lines (so all lines that require retakes [so anything that makes it necessary to retake the line])

  • A sheet containing all the script errors (from both the "Good" and "Bad" script [makes it easier to pass the information on and get all script errors fixed for the game])

Other than that I would like to say please watch the entire relevant video part (Journeyman-filecutting is 0 - 33:00, retake scripts take up the rest of the video) before beginning your work, just to get an overview before you begin and also because some small mistakes are made along the way and fixed after, and you will also see why it is done the way it is.

I realize that many of you are using LibreOffice, and tables in Libre are not as straightforward (if not non-existant). You can, however, mark the data you want sorted then: Data->Sort... then for "Sort Key 1" choose the column of numbers you want to sort the data by, and choose Ascending/Descending based on what you want to do. [This at least works well on LibreOffice Calc on Ubuntu, but have not confirmed that this also works on the windows-edition, though i'd be more surprised if it didn't work] I think that is all, feel free to stick any timestamps you find useful in the comments (or DM me and i'll put it in the description). Also feel free to DM me any and all questions you might have to the video.

Written Version

This guide will make use of these example files: Dunmer - Falanu Indaren Script

Assumptions going in:

  • You are familiar with the MATCH() function in excel (or an equivalent program)

  • You have a basic understanding of logical operations (using OR() / AND() etc.)

  1. The first thing you will need is to download all the requisite files:

    • All the checked work from the previous take [and retakes]

    • A newly-generator version of the VA's script, which can be found here: Latest Skywind Scripts

    • Most important is all the checked label-tracks from all previous rounds of filecutting, as we will use these to see what lines have already been recorded and deemed good to implement, and to find any new lines that have been added to the VA's script.

(here there was no retakes done yet, only the original submission, with one label-track inside the "Checked_Work" folder)

2. Update the label tracks for any filename changes. To do this, you will need the Journeyman Toolkit. Run the toolkit and click the "Labels Rename" option. Then, select all the label tracks you are working on and hit "Rename".

3. Open the Merged Script.

You will be met with something like this. The sheet called "Base Script" includes all the lines in a familiar layout, this is the sheet we will be working in. The one called "Reformatted" contains the same script, only reformatted to make it easier for the VA to see what their line is.

Make some new sheets for the lines deemed as Good, the lines requiring retakes and the label track(s), copy-paste the lines deemed good and requiring retakes from the checked error-report and the lines from the label-track into their correct sheets. Use the TRIM() function to remove any possible trailing spaces in the label-track.

Note: If there are multiple label-tracks you can have all the label-tracks in the same sheet, however if there is an error it is easier to locate the right label-track if they are in separate sheets.

Remember: Include every label track that has been created for this card so far. We need to do this to so that we can correctly remove any line that has been recorded already, find any new lines that have been added to this VA, and find any lines that might have been marked as perfect but were accidentally left unlabeled or were labeled incorrectly.

4. First I like to record the original sequence of the script. In the original sequence all the combat-lines are bunched up at the bottom, which we will want our end-product to also have. Then set up some checks in the base script, use the MATCH()-function to see whether the filename (leftmost column in "Base script") is in any of the previously made sheets.

I also set up a check to see if the line is to be added to the retake-script. The check is a logical statement as follows: =OR(ISNUMBER(<Error>),NOT(ISNUMBER(<Lbl>)))

If you have more label tracks, you will need additional columns for each MATCH()-function and additional entries in the OR() statement. For instance if you have a Combat label track, a Spoken label track, and a Retakes label track, the formula would look like

=OR( ISNUMBER(<Error>), NOT( OR( ISNUMBER(<Combat>), ISNUMBER(<Spoken>), ISNUMBER(<Retakes>) ) ) )

It essentially checks if the current line is <listed for retakes> OR < [not contained in the label-track] >. This should return TRUE (meaning it will need to be in the retake-script) for all lines marked for retakes and new lines not found in the previous script. * Note: We need to check this because there has most likely been added some new lines between when the original recording was made and now.

5. Convert the script into a table (with headers) and save.

6. At this point it would be a good idea to save a backup. What I usually do is save a new copy and replace the word "Merged" with "Retake" in the name.

7. This was previously a step for seeing if there were any "Shortened Lines", but this step is no longer needed.

8. Now there will be some lines that need retakes, and some that won't. Sort the table by "Retake" (the one that is either "TRUE" or "FALSE") from "Largest to smallest" this should put all the ones with "TRUE" on top, these are the lines that need to be in the script. All the lines with "FALSE" can be removed.

Have a look through the remaining lines, sometimes an error sneaks through to this point. If there is some remaining line that has a number in either the column "Good" or "Lbl", try and find out what has gone wrong, as this line is in either the label-track or the good lines in the error-report, whereas it should be in both if the lines was actually good for implementation.

9. Now sort the errors from smallest to largest, and copy-paste over the filecutter-notes from the script.

Note: Sometimes lines have been removed, so you should check that all the lines marked for retakes is in the final script. (Here, two lines was marked as needing retakes, and as can be seen in the “Error” column, both are in the script). If this is not the case, the lines not in can be removed from the sheet, so that filecutter notes don’t flow over into unrecorded lines or gets tacked on the end of the wrong line.

10. Sort "Original Sequence" from smallest to largest to get as close to the original sequence as possible, which puts all combat-lines at the end of the script.

11. Clean up the script, leaving only the "Base script".

12. Close the excel spreadsheet. Open the Journeyman Toolkit and select the "Retakes Formatter" option. Select the retakes script and click to begin formatting. This tool will set up the nice row coloring and create the "Reformatted" version of the lines.

13. Double check that everything looks alright. If you see a really odd number of lines left on the sheet, feel free to ask a lead to check your work. There may be something you missed, or there may be some bug that you discovered. If everything looks alright, then that should be it! Name the new script Retakes_Script_VX_<VA Name>.xlsx, where X is how many times the script has gone through the retake process, starting at one. Upload it to Trello, and let the VA know and tell them what amazing work they are doing. :D