
Past Club Newsletters, The 'Frequency'



Past News Items

June 2023

2023 TDARC Fox Hunt

July 2023

2023 VHF National Field Day

June 2022

2022 TDARC Fox Hunt

July 2022

2022 VHF National Field Day

June 2021

2021 TDARC Fox Hunt

July 2021

2021 Lock Down VHF National Field Day

2020 restricted activity due to COVID

Club talks given via Zoom

June 2019

Pubs & Clubs On the Air 2019 

2019 TDARC Fox Hunt

July 2019

2019 VHF National Field Day

June 2018

Pubs & Clubs On the Air 2018

2018 TDARC Fox Hunt

July 2018

2018 VHF National Field Day

July 2017

2017 TDARC Fox Hunt

August 2016

TDARC FOXHUNT RESULTSTDARC Foxhunt results and pictures can be found here.

29 Oct 2015

NEW MICROWAVE FIRST FOR CLUB MEMBERClub Member David M0GHZ will be entered in the UKuG Firsts database.

08 Sep 2015

GB4SNB FOR CURCHES & CHAPELS ON THE AIRGB4SNB St Nicholas Church Bromham Wilts 0930 to 1630 BST 12th September

13 Aug 2015

RAILWAYS ON THE AIR -GB0GBRMembers of T&DARC will run a SES on Bank Holiday Monday 31st August 2015 from the Great Bulkington Railway.

07 Aug 2015

CLUB TEAM WINS FIELD DAY TROPHYFor the second time our club VHFNFD team win silver.

14 Jul 2015

TWO NEW FULL LICENSES IN OUR CLUBFollowing the Advanced License examination held in Bath late June, two club members were successful in gaining a pass.

06 Nov 2014

G4UNU CONSTRUCTOR'S CUPThe annual G4UNU Constructor's Cup competition held on Wednesday 5th November saw three entries competing for the award.

06 Nov 2014

G2BQY MEMORIAL CONSTRUCTOR'S CUPThe annual G2BQY Memorial Constructor's Cup competition held on Wednesday 5th November saw five entries competing for the award.

27 Oct 2014

CLUB MEMBER TO CHAIR RSGB T&E COMMITTEEClub member Phil Willis M0PHI appointed to chair the Radio Society of Great Britain's Training and Education Committee

15 Jul 2014

WYLYE VALLEY 1914 PROJECTWylye Valley 1914 Project - a commemorative weekend organised by a sub group of the Codford local history society.

10 Feb 2014

70MHZ BEACON (GENERAL INTEREST)Mike Schaffer KA3JAW would like to remind everyone in the British Isles and Europe that the WG2XPN 70.005 MHz beacon is active.

11 Jul 2013

VHF NFDClub enters Centenary VHF National Field Day 

 15 May 1993 

TDARC VHF Contest at Barbury castle