2017 TDARC Fox Hunt

Here are the results and a few pictures of the TDARC Fox hunt held on 5th July 2017.

The teams taking part were all club members. The first transmission was at 1940 hours BST.

 The Fox operated by Alan (M0PUB) and Hazel (G7RGI) was located along Rudge Lane, west of Rudge, near Symonds Court. The photo below shows the car parked in a lay-by.

In order of arrival the Fox was found by:

1. 1954 hours Ray Fox(!) M0RFX and his wife Terry.

2. 19:59 hours David M0GHZ and his wife Carol

3. 20:38 hours Jan G5BBL and Geoff G0GHW

4. 20:45 hours Gerry G4SPE and Shaun G0BKU

Out of time: Ian G0GRI, John G3PYF and Dave G1UGV

The Fox operated by Alan (M0PUB) and Hazel (G7RGI) 

First - Fox(!) M0RFX and his wife Terry.

Second - David M0GHZ and his wife Carol