Meeting Catchup

This page has been created to keep all the past Zoom and hall meeting video's available in one place, allowing members to watch them again, or catch up on the ones missed.   If you have any difficulties in playing the video's from this page please contact the with your issues, as this page is being tried as an alternative to Youtube.

Zoom meeting for 3 June 2020

 Show & Tell

Presentations by G0VFS  with a Vibroplex copy and bicycle mag loop ,  

G4SPE  with his QCX kit 

M0GHZ with VHF propagation by aircraft scatter.

Roy - G0VFS - Vibroplex copy & Mag Loop


Gerry - G4SPE - QCX Kit 


David - M0GHZ - VHF propagation by aircraft scatter


Zoom meeting for 17 June 2020 

Dxpeditions, Where, Why, How By Rob M0VFC 


Zoom meeting for 5 August 2020

GB2RS Propagation Report by Jim Bacon G3YLA

2020-08-05 20.05.49 G3YLA Jim Bacon talk.mp4

Zoom meeting for 9 September 2020

Qatar - Oscar -100 by Shaun G8VPG

09-2020-Shaun-G8VPG-Oscar -100.mp4

Zoom meeting for 7 October 2020

"Equations that have changed the world" 

By Prof Chris Budd G4NBG.


Zoom meeting for 4 November 2020

TDARC Constructors Cup Competition

TADARC First International Constructors Cup.mp4

Zoom Meeting for 3 February 2021

"Launching Amateur Radio in Cambodia & WWDX ops in Cambodia 2015-2019 @ XU7AJA"

by Mike M0ALW 


Zoom Meeting for 3 March 2021

"Short stories on various topics"

by Laurie G3UML

Laurie G3UML.mp4

Zoom Meeting for 7 April 2021

'999 Emergency'

by Steve Shorey G3ZPS  


Zoom Meeting for 5 May 2021

DXing  and contesting on Ascension Island

By Steve White - G3ZVW 

Steve G3ZVW Ascencion Island.mp4

Zoom Meeting for 2 February 2022

DF Fox Hunt - How to find the fox EVERY time!

By Mike  M0ALW & Kyle  2E0EVP 


Meeting for 1 March 2022 at Southwick village hall

A home-brew QO-100 Station Project

By Ian - G0GRI


Meeting for 1 Feb 2023 at Southwick village hall

The World of DMR - What can I do with it? How?

By Peter - M0JVY


Meeting for 5 April 2023 at Southwick village hall

My Garden Gear – tilt over, crank up Tenna Mast and my new Stepp IR Urban HF beam.

By Mike Adams - M0ALW


Meeting for 3 May 2023 at Southwick village hall

Talk by Don Field G3XTT-The Magic Band - an introduction to the magic of 6 meters


Meeting for 6 September 2023 at Southwick village hall

Talk by Noel Woolwich  G4TIX - The British Consul- Head of British Intelligence


Meeting for 4 October 2023 at Southwick village hall

Talk by Jan  G5BBL - Homebrew EFHW Antenna


Meeting for 3rd April 2024 at Southwick village hall

Prof Cathryn Mitchell giving a talk on From Mission CIRCE to Mission Pegasus

Meeting for 1st May2024 at Southwick village hall

Talk by Mike Adams M0ALW, First Response Radio
