TDARC  2 Metre Fox hunt Results 2022

The Fox

The Fox team this year was Mike (M0ALW) and Kyle (2E0EPV)

The fox location was in the VERY top, left corner of the hunt zone in Monkton Farleigh, near the Manor House.

The station set up was a Mag-mount antenna on the car running at 10W or less.   Fox location was quite high at 140m elevation, so was higher than most of the search zone hopefully putting out a good signal across the area. 

 After setup was completed, we boiled a kettle on my camp stove and had a cup of tea while waiting for the start.

Transmissions began at 7:40pm.  

This year there were 5 teams with a total of 8 participants: Ben, Frank (G4YXS) and Jerry (G4JQN) , Gerry (G4SPE), Ray (M0RFX)& Terry (XLY) and David (M0GHZ)& Carol (XYL).

First to find the Fox was David and Carol arriving at 8:26pm.   They win the right to be the FOX next year!

They were followed by Frank and Jerry at 8:57. Frank said they used the Body-fade technique on their last measurements    Last to find us was Ray and Terry (XYL) finding us right at the 9:00pm cut off time.

David said the “Fox hunt was fun, thanks to Mike & Kyle for being the fox.  Saw Ben and Ray in the vicinity on the way home”.

Mike and Kyle started giving out hints about there location at the last 3 transmissions.  These ranged from NORTH side, WEST side and the last was “at 140 elevation” (which is only in the VERY NW square). Only 2 teams did not find the fox, but as David pointed out, Ben was VERY close and must have been within 100m of the fox in Monkton Farleigh.    Gerry commented: “Total fail on the fox Hunt tonight. Lost several transmissions totally. Ended up in Holt, but again lost Mike totally.  Going home for a coffee. Thanks for your efforts, Mike, much appreciated.”

Many met back at the club over a drink to share notes of success or consolation.   See you next year!

Mike M0ALW & Kyle 2E0EPV 

First to find the Fox was David and Carol arriving at 8:26pm.