CQ CQ Pubs & Clubs On the Air Special Event Station GB0TGI

Tuckers Grave Inn Faulkland  BA35XF

490ft ASL Grid Ref ST 751551



The Tuckers Grave Inn was built in the mid-17th Century near the burial site of a local farm worker Edward Tucker who, on 5th June 1747, hung himself in a barn a few miles away. At that time, suicides were not permitted to be buried on hallowed ground but were to be buried in unmarked graves usually at a cross roads, supposedly so the soul would be confused and not find its way to Heaven.  Edward Tucker was buried on the crossroads near the site of what was then a farmhouse, lending accommodation to local farm workers. 

Learn more of its fascinating history here.


The Special event station GB0TGI was on the air 12th - 13th of May at a truly unique west country pub.  

Full Report Contributed  by Russ M0WYB

Over the weekend members of the club activated the Tuckers Grave Inn, at Falkland, for PACOTA. We were granted the call GB0TGI. This is the first year that this category of activation has been nationally organised. Judging from the loads of positive and encouraging comments and contacts, it was a great success!

Set up was Friday afternoon in the spacious fields of the pub. The owner and Landlady could not have been more helpful. Tear down started at 1.00pm Sunday. As the last two to leave, Dom and I had a celebratory pint! (not like us, I know!)

Although we made several test calls on Friday, the bulk of the contacts were made on Saturday and Sunday am. The kit worked brilliantly – 

IC7400 for 2m ssb & fm plus 6m ssb

Beko HLV 1000 Amp

IC7300 for 80/40/20m

Acom 1000 Amp

Palstar AT1KM Tuner

Antennas 140ft doublet@40ft

20m quarter wave vertical

9ele DK7 2m

3ele DK7 6m 

Contacts 80m – 175

40m -   37

20m -   155

2m  -  25

80 m proved very successful with lots of strong inter-g on the doublet

40m not so fruitful – condx poor – mostly eu

20m on the quarter wave with raised ground planes, a superb performer but no real dx – mostly eu.

So around 400 contacts made, with many real pile-ups kept us all busy! However, the big disappointment was no condx on 2/6m

400w on all bands – life’s too short for qrp. We were given many huge signal reports! Loud signals means more contacts – simples!

Thanks to all the team – Ian G0GRI, Dom M0UAS, Tracy M6TEP, Shaun G0BKU, Aidrian G0HAS, Roy G0VFS and Matt M0MAT with his lovely wife Alice.

WX, location, company and the full English was superb. Big YES to next year!

Special Thanks to all the folk at The Tuckers Grave Inn and to Chris Wiseman G1PUV for getting the thing started.


Russ, M0WYB

Shaun G0BKU

Russ, M0WYB