T&DARC  2 Metre Fox hunt

Winners for 2018

The Fox


ST 83411 58317

Lat   51 19 25’.37”N

Long  2 14 20’.95”W

Order of the Hounds

19:55 First

M0GHZ David, G0HAS Adrian, M0PHI Philip.

I believe David was using a 4 element Yagi and obviously found me after just 2 bearings.

First-M0GHZ David, G0HAS Adrian, M0PHI Philip.

20:22 Second

G4SPE Gerry.

Gerry was using a handheld (with and without an aerial as signal was so strong!) and body shielding to locate the Fox. His first bearing was taken only 100 metres from the Fox but the signal was so strong and possibly confused by the proximity of overhead power lines near the Fox that he could not get a reliable direction. Thus he went off in the wrong direction.

Second-G4SPE Gerry.

20:38 Third

G0GRI Ian and G1UGV Dave

Ian was using a rather interesting 2 element Yagi.

Third-G0GRI Ian and G1UGV Dave

20:56 Fourth

M6OMR Ben and Sarah

Ben was very happy as this was the first time he had managed to find a Fox.


Fourth-M6OMR Ben and Sarah

Only one team failed to find the Fox.