CQ CQ Pubs & Clubs On the Air Special Event Station GB0TGI

Tuckers Grave Inn Faulkland  BA35XF

490ft ASL Grid Ref ST 751551



The Tuckers Grave Inn was built in the mid-17th Century near the burial site of a local farm worker Edward Tucker who, on 5th June 1747, hung himself in a barn a few miles away. At that time, suicides were not permitted to be buried on hallowed ground but were to be buried in unmarked graves usually at a cross roads, supposedly so the soul would be confused and not find its way to Heaven.  Edward Tucker was buried on the crossroads near the site of what was then a farmhouse, lending accommodation to local farm workers. 

Learn more of its fascinating history here.


For the second year running, the special event station GB0TGI, took to the air from the Tuckers Grave Inn. This world famous 200 year old cider house in Faulkland, is the perfect setting for enjoying the activity of amateur radio, along with a glass of cider and the wonderful Somerset country side. 

A good turnout of club members on Friday afternoon, soon saw the station command tent and antennas up and ready for action.  With 17 enthusiastic club members attending over the course of the weekend, this event is looking to become a popular, and established yearly event.

The WX was sunshine and clouds with a cold wind on Friday and Saturday, however Sunday was a glorious summers day.

Several club members camped over the entire weekend at this wonderful location , enjoying good company, radio, a full english breakfast on Sunday morning and of course....a few cider's

The station setup used, was the same as last year, comprising of:

80/40m 130ft Doublet @ 40ft

20m raised radials vertical

2m 9 ele DK7ZB 

6m 3 ele DK7ZB

Conditions were tough at times, with QSO's  slightly down on last year,  however there have been signs that we are moving out of the trough of the sunspot cycle, indicating that this event will be even busier in the future as propagation improves. 

Total contacts were 286, with the best distance - K2JVX on 40m.

   Roll on next year!

The Special event station GB0TGI was once more on the air from 10th - 11th of May at the truly unique Tuckers Grave Inn.  
