27 OCT 2014


Congratulations to Phil on his appointment.

The following notice appeared in the RCF Instructors Newsletter

Training and Education Committee Chair

I have great pleasure in announcing that Philip Willis, M0PHI, has been appointed as the new Chair of the RSGB Training and

Education Committee.

I will leave Philip to introduce himself more formally but I will say that he comes with an impressive CV and was appointed after

a formal interview at the weekend, followed by full RSGB Board endorsement.

Philip is already a member of the training community and I will be handing over Committee tasks in the coming days and

weeks, so you can expect a little parallel running for a short time.

I will not be throwing all the work over the fence and heading for the hills, far from it, I remain committed to the Training and

Education work and will continue as a project team member (assuming the new chair is content with that!).

I am also the RSGB Board link to the Training and Education Committee so I will maintain an oversight and provide the route to

the Board as and when required.

Thank you all for your support during my Chairmanship and I trust you will continue your work under Philip's leadership.

73, Steve, G0FUW

(no longer) RSGB Training & Education Committee Chair.

See also
