Rt. 24 

from Hwy 1 to Rt 113

Why is Rt 24 excluded from the Coastal Corridors Study?

Rt 24 Traffic Study forming?

In the summer of 2020 at the DelDOT Council on Transportation meeting, a request was made that the Rt 24 needs to have its own traffic study, not as a part of Five Points Working Group. The answer given was that the Coastal Corridors Study was in the inception stage and Rt 24 was going be included in that study. 

In March 2021, we find Rt 24 is not a part of the Coastal Corridors Study. Why?

Marc Cote answered: Rt 24 has many transportation improvement projects going and there was a presentation a couple of weeks ago. And much of Rt 24 is included in the Henlopen TID. 

Q: During the Rt 24 Improvement presentation, it was said that those projects were not for capacity expansion, but just to take care of the current safety issues.

MC: Yes, we are planning to have a separate study just for Rt 24 soon.

Q: Do you have a timeline for the Rt 24 study?

MC: Maybe within a year.

Sussex County 2020-2025 CTP Request 


"Sussex County would like consideration of the items into the 2020-2025 CTP to address the current and future needs of the permanent and seasonal population. "

Sussex County's New Funding Request in 2020

DelDOT Projects Portal  - SR-24 CORRIDOR PROJECTS


SR 24 Projects - Index Sheet -DelDOT Presentation - April 16, 2018


DE Receives $30 Million+ in FHWA Redistribution - Some Used for Rt 24


The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) annual August redistribution has resulted in Delaware receiving an additional $30,428,691 in federal funding for infrastructure projects. The redistribution dollars represent federal transportation improvement funds that were allocated, but not used by other states.

“We are continuing to make significant investments – more than $4.5 billion – in infrastructure projects in every part of our state over the next six years. Every additional dollar we receive builds on the largest infrastructure program in Delaware history, fixes our roads and bridges, and creates good jobs up and down our state,” said Governor John Carney.

Secretary of Transportation Jennifer Cohan commented, “These additional funds will be used to advance nine projects across the state that are in various stages of development. Applying these new federal dollars to these projects helps ease our fiscal challenges as a result of decreased revenue the Department has experienced since the onset of the pandemic.”

Projects that will benefit from the redistribution include the Route 299 widening construction project from Route 1 to Catherine Street in Middletown, the ongoing Route 141/I-95 interchange to Jay Drive construction project in New Castle, and the Route 24 at Route 5 and Route 23 intersection improvement construction project in Long Neck.

Each summer, FHWA redistributes unused funding for infrastructure programs to projects that are able to utilize the funding before the end of the federal fiscal year. Since 2012, DelDOT has secured more than $174 million in additional federal funding through the August redistribution process.