Sussex Traffic - DelDOT


Established to investigate ways in which to begin a partnership of the private sector and public sector in the area of transportation system management and traffic mitigation.

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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Task Force shall consist of the following members or their designees: The Secretary of Transportation; Director of the Delaware Transportation Authority; Director of the Division of Highways; one representative chosen by each of the following Chambers of Commerce; the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce, the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce, the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce and the Southern Delaware Chamber of Commerce; one representative selected by the Delaware Business Roundtable; one representative selected by the Committee of 100; two members of the House of Representatives to include the chairman of the House Transportation Committee and one member from the Minority Party selected by the Speaker; two members of the Delaware State Senate to include the Chairman of the Senate Highways and Transportation committee; one member from the Minority Party selected by the President Pro Tem; the chairperson of the Council on Transportation; one representative from an Interested civic group to be appointed by the Governor; one representative from the American Association of Retired Persons to be appointed by the Governor; one representative from a local labor organization to be appointed by the Governor; one member of the City of Wilmington Planning Office appointed by the Mayor of Wilmington; one member of the New Castle County Planning Department appointed by the New Castle County Executive; one member of the Kent County Department of Planning and Zoning appointed by the President of the Kent County Levy Court; one member of the Sussex County Department of Planning and Zoning appointed by the Sussex County Council President. The chairperson shall be designated by the Governor. 

DelDOT Traffic Impact Study (TIS) Reviews - by year

Sussex County Comprehensive Plan 

Existing Traffic Congestion Areas - Draft

Sussex County Comprehensive Plan 

Projected Future Congestion Areas, 2045 (15% Additional Population Scenario) - Draft

Sussex County Traffic Operations Mgmt Plan.pdf

Sussex Council questions state traffic counts, maps - 2/9/2018

Cape Gazette

County's Opinion Regarding DelDoT expertise and the degree of deference given seems to vary at times and when convenient.pdf