What Can You Do ?

1. Review the latest revision and SARG's comments, and write your own opinion and comments to:

( Refer to LOS explained in https://sites.google.com/view/sussex2030traffic/home/level-of-service-los)

  • mvincent@sussexcountyde.gov - Michael Vincent

  • swilson@sussexcountyde.gov - Sam Wilson

  • igburton@sussexcountyde.gov - IG Burton

  • Doug.hudson@sussexcountyde.gov - Doug Hudson

  • jlrieley@sussexcountyde.gov - John Rieley

  • rgriffith@sussexcountyde.gov - Robin Griffith (County Clerk)

  • tlawson@sussexcountyde.gov - Todd F. Lawson

  • jamie.whitehouse@sussexcountyde.gov - Jamie Whitehouse

2. Please write Letters to newspapers. (Letters must be signed and include a telephone number.)

Media Contacts are found at https://sites.google.com/view/sussex2030/important-contacts

3. Share this with family, friends and your community!

Your efforts are appreciated to ensure the new and improved MOU works for everyone!