Old Landing Rd, Rehoboth Beach

A Resident's Letter to Sarah Coakley of DelDOT Planner

Dear Sarah Coakley –

I was not able to attend yesterday’s Henlopen TID presentation and heard it was very productive. I am attaching two maps I made of the area surrounding Old Landing and Warrington Roads that illustrate the dire traffic situation that residents are facing.

 There are over 500 new homes currently under construction, with the driveways of the developments accessing Old Landing or Warrington Roads. This is in addition to the large existing developments of Sterling Crossing, Sea Chase, Estates of Sea Chase, and Breezewood along Old Landing.

 Any measure of relief that can be provided by DelDOT will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Sarah Coakley's Response to the Letter above:

Thank you for contacting me about the proposed Henlopen TID.  I am sorry you were unable to attend the workshop last evening.  We are working to have most of the workshop materials posted to the DelDOT website in the next week or two.  They will be located at https://deldot.gov/Programs/transportation-improvement-districts/index.shtml?dc=tidsunderdevelopment

 I appreciate your maps and thoughtful comments.  I also received your email to DelDOT Community Relations regarding the Warrington Road and Old Landing Road intersection dated Sunday, February 2.  I am sorry that you experience traffic difficulties.  DelDOT is hopeful that Sussex County and DelDOT will reach agreement very soon on moving forward with and implementing the Henlopen TID.  There is the potential for the existing capital project to advance more quickly if the TID is approved.  As part of the TID, DelDOT will also be monitoring traffic and coordinating more closely with Sussex County, to prioritize the transportation projects within the TID.  I also believe that the proposed traffic signal or roundabout projects will provide DelDOT the opportunity to conduct speed studies, to see if speed limit adjustments are warranted.  The Traffic Section of DelDOT routinely conducts speed studies at locations where projects are planned and/or after major changes are made to a DelDOT roadway.

 I will be tracking all comments related to the Henlopen TID and will provide periodic updates to DelDOT leadership. 

 Thank you again for contacting DelDOT.  Please let me know if I can be of additional assistance. 

 Sarah Coakley, AICP

Principal Planner, Regional Systems Planning

voice: 302-760-2236

email: sarah.coakley@delaware.gov