All the latest news and more making waves on in the AMERICA.


The White used the blacks as slaves and terrorized the natives to give up on their holds on the wealth and riches of the new world.

A new twist of fate in the new world, the natives have also resolved to terrorize the blacks to displace them off the wealth and riches they the blacks have gained from their White slave masters.

The natives sees the blacks as the people of Israel in the times of the birth of the prophet Moses in Egypt but unlike the biblical Egyptians, the natives are pushing the blacks off their lands, that is to drive them out back to black Africa entirely which makes them look like the people of the old Canaan who have risen from their graves to drive off the Jewish herds off their lands against the wishes, commandments and prophecies of God Almighty(being pictured by the White Masters)

But the natives by the Law of Natural Selection are hell bent on leading the White Masters(as the prophet Moses who never liked his won people, the Jewish people, that is the blacks here) and by the Elimination by the Survival of the fittest to enslave the blacks forever and ever on the soil of America.

The Whites are but a cloud raining its weights of its wealth and riches on the natives(acting as the land of America), to propagate vegetation and wildlife(in the image of the blacks).


The security system is a new world order, the educational system is democracy and the economy is an anti Christ order(a picture of the apocalyptic era as a mirage).

You will have all the freedom in this world but no rights at all but that of a slave.

The CIA(Central Intelligence Agency – a 100% white race initiative) is projected as its image and it is ensured that all other races buy this image and follow or worship the white race forever and ever, in effect the white race will lead and rule the USA for ever and ever.