


Beginner, intermediate and advanced short texts with translation, audio, exercises, and flashcards.

LessonGin: Beginner

Family Simpson



Natalia's family

Invitation on the phone

How Russian are you?

Easy Finnish news. Even easier if you read all texts with words both in text and pictures.


Short texts

Over 50 YKI texts with comprehension questions and answers. YKI is the test for the Finnish National Certificate of Language Proficiency intended for adults. Texts are grouped by level for beginners, intermediate and advanced.

Longer texts

Texts with comprehension questions, glossary, grammar point, audio, and tasks

In spite of the title, the site is for reading. Easy, intermediate, and challenging texts with translations and vocabulary lists with explanations. No longer updated.

Add the Readlang browser plugin and click on any word to get translations in an online text. The words you translate are saved into your profile and you can then use them to generate flashcards. Free. Works also on ipad and iphone.