
Who's afraid of Finnish! To confirm your fears click here for direct object rules in Finnish. We hope to make you change your mind, however. Finnish grammar is highly logical, there are no, or only vey few exceptions, and it provides brain gymnastics that helps to prevent Alzheimers! Or am I embellishing it a bit? To start with, click here to read a concise summary (still totally valid despite the date it was published) of Finnish grammar or would you prefer a more recent overview of Finnish grammar on video.

In English. Extensive, explanations. examples.

In English. Explanations and examples. From basic to advanced.


An entire book of exercises by grammae point. Beginner level Although old, 1998, Finnish grammar has not changed in kirjakieli.

In English, mostly summary charts. Noun, adjective and pronoun conjugation, Noun suffixes, Verb conjugation, General use suffixes

Some of the links are dead. They are on a large variety of grammar topics.

All in Finnish. Extensive, includes dialogs, audio, exercises, explanations

A very extensive collection. Intermediate and advanced topics. All in Finnish.


Questions and answers of any aspect of Finnish. For example, Miten sanotaan englanniksi tsemppiä?


All in Finnish. Mostly examples of various grammar points, some explanations.