learner guide

Finnish has a reputation as a challenging language to learn, but don't let this discourage you. It can be both a rewarding and interesting endeavor. To learn any language requires diligence. Whatever your reason for wanting to learn Finnish, we at Finnish Language School Association (FLSA) in Arlington, VA offer you a fun opportunity to work constructively with native speakers of Finnish as your teachers, and students who share your interest in Finnish and Finland. I am Lea and I have been professionally teaching Finnish at FLSA and in the government schools for several decades (really) and still enjoying it. This site is my attempt to support your learning in the classroom, as well as on your own, as you see fit.

Learning Finnish is fun! Give yourself the best chance!

A day in the life of the Proficient Learner

Different people like doing different things to learn, so we must provide the greatest possible range of content, resources, and tools to help you learn Finnish. Most of all, we try to find ways to keep you turned on. Keep it fun! Some learning myths

* Establish your current proficiency level in Finnish

The first step is to establish your current proficiency level in reading, speaking, and listening. Based on this assessment, your learning preferences, and your personal objectives, develop a learning plan to achieve your goals. Ask your teacher to assess your skills and/or use various online resources, such as: YKI-treenit or here.

* Plan for blocks of study time

About 20-30 minutes? How long does it take for you to become restless? Some people need more frequent breaks for a variety of reasons. More difficult material may also require more frequent breaks. Place the 20-30 min blocks of time when you are most productive, as a morning person or night owl!

Since you're learning Finnish in your spare time, persistence will be the most important factor in making progress. The trick is to get into the habit, which isn't easy to pull off in the long run. That's why variety helps.

* A little a day is better than a lot occasionally

Everyone says this, but it's true because that's how our brains work. Even on a day when you're too tired, busy, or stressed, try and find five minutes to review some notes or read a paragraph or two.

  • Aid your memory

Spaced repetition is a proven memory technique that helps you keep what you’ve learned in your mind. The way it works is you revise each word or phrase you’ve learned at spaced intervals. Initially the intervals will be shorter: you might review a new word a few times in one practice session, and then again the next day. Once you know it well you’ll be able to leave days or weeks between revisions without forgetting it.

Learner Guide

Learner story

Beat rote memorization