REAL Program (Clubs and Activities)

Each season a comprehensive list of activities is offered. If you wish to become involved simply sign up and enjoy. Most require some payment and definitely need you to be committed to what is being offered. Punctuality is a sign of respect so always let your instructor know if you are unable to attend because of another commitment. If you sign up, you will be expected to attend ALL sessions. Some of the activities on offer are available for the whole year and others are seasonal and depend on the weather. The main idea though is to have fun while gaining new skills. See Mr Erickson for more details.


Throughout the year we have Information sessions where you have the opportunity to learn more about all of the activities and programs offered in the coming year. New students have a brief introduction to activities during

orientation. If you have an idea for a group or activity, do talk to Mr Sinclair, Mr Chaplin or your Year Head: we are really keen to have as many students as possible involved in events and groups outside of the classroom.