Lesson 1: Simple Circuits

You will be able to:

  • create a variety of electrical pathways using direct current circuits

  • record observations

  • demonstrate the safe us of electricity in the classroom

Materials Needed for the Challenge:

2 battery holders

2 D batteries

4 wires

2 lights

1 switch

Challenge #1

Light at least 1 light bulb, using one battery three wires and a switch.

Complete Circuit Observations (on page 5). You can either draw an illustration or a schematic diagram of your circuit.

Make sure you write down all of your observations.

Challenge #2

Use one wire, a battery and a light to make the light turn on.

Challenge #3

Use 4 wires, two batteries and a switch to make two lights go on.

Challenge #4

Use the batteries in different arrangements to make the lights turn on. How many arrangements can you make?

Challenge #5

Create a circuit that is unique!


Take a photo of your circuit & draw a schematic diagram of it (make sure to use the proper symbols found on page 5).

Exit Slip.

In your Learning Journal...

What observations did you make today while creating a variety of electrical pathways using direct current circuits?

  • I noticed...

  • I wonder...

  • I came across...