documenting the journey

Blog: sway

We will be using Sway to document our 20% project journeys. Sway allows us to upload images, videos, and to create a blog style page that we can share with each other and our parents. It will look like a website once the viewer clicks the link. We will transition from Padlet to Sway. If you are choosing to continue with our original project, you may embed your padlet into your Sway, so not to have to redo everything!

Wednesday February 24th

  1. Open up a Sway.

  2. Title your Sway (this will probably evolve but you can use something like: 20% Project-(your name).

  3. Before you can move on you need to think of a project idea!

If you already have an idea:

If you are continuing your original 20% project, embed your padlet into Sway. Make sure that the following 4 questions are answered (either already in your Padlet, and if not then answer them in your Sway), I have changed them slightly.

  1. What will you learn? What will you make?

  2. Why do you want to learn about this or make this?

  3. How will you start?

  4. What do you think success look like to you?

Friday March 5th

Add a section to your Sway to blog for today.

Date: Friday March 5th.

Up until now what progress have you made in your 20% project? Tell us how its going! Where are you going next? Don't forget to add a screen shot or Pictures of your progress!