My One Word for 2021 Write

After taking the time to reflect on the highlights, lowlights and insights of 2020, we talked about our hopes for 2021. We talked about how people often make New Year Resolutions to help us be better in the new year- but what we notice is that we often don't keep our resolutions. We decided this year instead, we would carefully choose one word to carry with us through 2021- to help us with our changing goals, and to see us through some of the things we might find challenging this year.

We got inspired to create letters for our word. At first our intention was to created 3D sculptures with our letters but when we realized that our plan might not work, we decided to create beautiful signs to display instead. They are currently displayed in our hallway.

Mentor Text:

What we noticed:

-Stays on topic

-explains how the word he chose will have an impact on him

-takes ownership of his writing by taking the time to revise/edit. We know this writing took work.

-uses 'caps' for purpose

-provides examples that are relevant to him

-uses "for example..."

-takes risks with punctuation and is mindful of grammar.

Mentor Text Credit: Zach 2017. Kelli Vogstad

My One Word for 2021 Write:

Writing Prompt:

What word did you choose to carry for 2021? What does that word mean to you? Why did you choose this word? How will it help you this year?


We will use Word online to write. Please title your document:

"My One Word for 2021 Write Copy 1 (your name)"