Our Turn to Take Action!

How Do We Use Art to Make the World a Better Place?

First Step!


  • What issue is so important to you that you would like to use your art to share your concerns and inspire change? What do you want to learn more about? Will you work alone or with someone who shares the same passion?

You can choose to take

personal (you/family),

local (Surrey/Lower Mainland),

national (Canada) or

international (Global) action.

Second Step!


In order to communicate our passion about an issue with others we need to get informed!

Create a Padlet to collect facts, statistics & resources (maps, videos, articles, photos, websites) about the issue you are investigating.

The time we take to do this will set us up for success when we consolidate our learning into a Powerpoint/Sway presentation to go along with our art.

Third Step!


Have you identified what your purpose is and what audience you want to reach?

What art form do you wish to use to communicate your ideas and message?

Please complete this Microsoft Form to submit your art idea.

Art Forms

Fourth step!


Final Step!
