
What do I need to be prepared for book club?

  1. your novel

  2. a book mark

  3. post-it notes (to flag important pages/words/quotes/questions)

What am I personally responsible for?

  1. reading everyday (staying on top of your reading).

  2. flagging important words/quotes within each chapter.

  3. completing the Main Character Baseline assignment-See Below (due June 2nd)

  4. completing a one-pager (end of novel assignment)-See Below

What are we responsible for as a group?

  1. meeting with your group to plan your reading schedule.

  2. Updating Ms. St. Jean of any changes to your groups reading schedule.

  3. meeting with your group daily/regularly to check in on each other.

Main Character Baseline. Due June 2nd.

Main Character Baseline

2 Reader Response Journal Entries. Due June 4th

1. How did the book make you feel?

  • Were you amused, upset, bored, angry, intrigued?

  • Did you have to force yourself to get through it or were you unable to put it down?

  • Are you glad you read it?

2. How do you feel about how the story was told?

  • Did it start too slow or end unresolved?

  • Do you wish it had been told from a different perspective?

  • Did it jump around too much or hold you in suspense?

3. What did you think about the main characters?

  • Did you like them? Were they believable?

  • Did you approve of their decisions and behavior?

  • Who did you relate to the most/least?

4. Which parts of the book stood out to you?

  • Are there any quotes, passages, or scenes you found particularly compelling?

  • Were there parts of the book you thought were incredibly unique, out of place, thought-provoking, or disturbing?

5. What themes did you detect in the story?

  • What were the main points you think the author was trying to make?

  • Did you notice any symbolism?

6. How did this book change you?

  • Do you have a new perspective as a result of reading this book?

  • Did you learn something you didn’t know before?

  • Has your attitude or behavior changed?

One Pager Proect. dUE jUNE 9TH.

One-Pager Project - Idea from Liz
