Picture Book, BOOK clUB

Preparing for book club

Thinking Routine

Word-Phrase-Sentence: A Routine for Capturing the Essence of a Text

  • What words or phrases help you understand the message the author wants you to think about?

  • How did the author’s word choice have an impact on you as a reader?

  • Which of the illustrator’s images had an impact on you as a reader?


A word that captured your attention or struck you as powerful.


A phrase or picture that moved, engaged, or provoked you.


A sentence that was meaningful to you, that you felt captures the core idea of the text.

Reading Response

Please choose two of the reading response prompts below.

Write your responses in your reading journals. Each prompt should have its own page.

1. How did the book make you feel?

  • Were you amused, upset, bored, angry, intrigued?

  • Did you have to force yourself to get through it or were you unable to put it down?

  • Are you glad you read it?

2. How do you feel about how the story was told?

  • Did it start too slow or end unresolved?

  • Do you wish it had been told from a different perspective?

  • Did it jump around too much or hold you in suspense?

3. What did you think about the main characters?

  • Did you like them? Were they believable?

  • Did you approve of their decisions and behavior?

  • Who did you relate to the most/least?

4. Which parts of the book stood out to you?

  • Are there any quotes, passages, or scenes you found particularly compelling?

  • Were there parts of the book you thought were incredibly unique, out of place, thought-provoking, or disturbing?

5. What themes did you detect in the story?

  • What were the main points you think the author was trying to make?

  • Did you notice any symbolism?

6. How did this book change you?

  • Do you have a new perspective as a result of reading this book?

  • Did you learn something you didn’t know before?

  • Has your attitude or behavior changed?

Book Club!

Round #1: Share your word and why.

Round #2: Share your sentence and why.

Round #3: share one reading response.